Apologising isnt rock n roll

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Gerard didn't want to be at this party at all. Especially planning to spend the entirety of it sober but someone had to watch Bert.
Apparently he was the only one willing too because the mother fucker had pissed off everyone. Even Quinn wasn't around to hangout with Bert and that's how Gerard knew it was serious.
Bert wouldn't give him a straight answer but he's heard from Brian who had witness some of it that Bert took too much acid and couldn't play a show.

"Dumbass.." he says aloud.

He's watching Bert now. He's delicate today. And how he hides that he is delicate is by being extra loud, extra annoying but there's less destruction. But that wouldn't last long at the rate Bert was going. Gerard had watched from a what he felt where a safe distance as Bert knocked back drink after drink. He's pretty certain some up and coming band gave Bert some pills to try and impress him ans of course it did. Bert's been talking to them for about an hour now and he's beginning to get real messy.

"I wanna have seeex-uuuuu-all inter course with youuuuu-ooooohhh!" Bert sings somewhat nicely. He's slurring. And suddenly he's wrestled to the floor and he disappeared under a very drunk Adam. Gerard's eyes widen in shock because it happened so quickly! He hadn't even seen Adam coming ans that was probably because he was so focused on his messy boyfriend. Bert just disappeared under the bigger man and it was quiet.
Did Adam break Bert's neck?
He anxiously stood up and tried to peer over Adam to try and spot Bert but just as he did Adam sat up, "ggggggrrrrrrr" revealing Bert who's laughing so hard he caused himself a coughing fit. And Gerard's cheeks redden at the sound of that uncontrollable laughter. He's so adorable.

"Adam, try not to flatten him next time?" Gerard grins. Both Adam ans Bert look at Gerard, "I want to make him as flat as flat Stanley!" Adam exclaimed snd gave Bert a rough shove sending him nearly head first into the bassist's crotch of that up and coming band.
"Like the kids book?" Gerard laughs and tries to cover his mouth as he does.
"I hate flat Stanley!" Bert abruptly announced.
"Did anyone ask?" Adam pretends to huff. Looking at Gerard, motioning to Bert and shaking his head before pushing Bert away from him again. "Aaaahhhhhhh!" Bert lazily squeals. Deciding to just lay on the floor. He was safe on the floor. "My mom used to read it to me." He tells them. "My mommy moo" he slurs. Eyes closing as he rode out the spinning. He hear Gerard's dreamy voice getting further and further away, "you know how he got so flat?...." it's so dreamy. So cute. Bert tries to hold on to it but he's floating away It felt good with the pills. He's got this spinning floaty feeling and it's heavenly. "A billboard in his room fell on him..." Floating higher and higher. "That's not true man." It's a wonderful feeling. Everyone talking around him...

"Bert?" He's suddenly being shook awake by the caring hands of Adam. "Huh!?" Bert snorts awake. "Yeah?" He sits up and sways. His eyes heavy. "Your fucked!" Adam laughs loudly. Holding Bert up by his shoulders.
"What the fuck did you give him?" Gerard frowns, turning his attention to the singer of the up and coming band. The guy shrugs all lazy like and Gerard decided then and there that he hates him and the rest of his stupid up ans coming band. "Just some pain pills."
"Pills?" Gerard frowns even more, his lip beginning to tremble snd he brings his finger nails to his lips and starts to chew them.
"Relax man" the lead singer tells him but he's not heard by Gerard.
He's zoned out. Trying to figure out how to leave this party without ruining the fun for Bert and Adam or looking like a killjoy in front of these idiots.
Maybe Adam picked up on something or maybe Gerard was obviously uncomfortable because he stands up ans drags Bert to his feet. "You two want to come to my bus?" He asks.
"Heeeelll yeaaah" Bert slurs. "We can have a threesome" he says but it sounds more like 'threezsum'. Either way, Gerard's blushing like mad.
"No" Adam shakes his head, poking Bert's noise and watching with amusement as Bert tries to dodge his fingers five seconds too late.
"Matt got this karaoke machine hooked up to the tv." He tells them.
"Oh that's rad" Gerard smiles.
"Yeah!" Adam agrees. "And I think he needs to chill out" he motions to Bert who's just staring off into space. "I don't think I've ever seen him this quiet on a Friday night" he admits.
"Its nice isn't it" Gerard says dreamily while Adam shakes his head, "no. I was going to say eery." Leaving Gerard a little embarrassed. "Oh."

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