Jeph...look at my dick

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Bert looks at his crotch again and frowns. Wondering to himself why his dick is still slightly red in places and sore. It's started to fucking itch ans he's beginning to wonder if his sex life has finally caught up with him. That thought made him real nervous. What the fuck would he tell Gerard?
He maybe had a threesome in a motel when he was off his face...sure. That would go down sweet. Some days he can even mention chicks around Gerard.

Did carpet burn itch, he didn't know. He couldn't remember if it did or not but he's still trying to believe that it's the carpet burn he got from naked power sliding with Quinn at that party last night. He'd spent the all morning trying wrack his brain and remember if carpet burn started to itch from all his experiences with carpet burn and he came up with nothing. He hasn't a clue. He bit his lip knowing his best bet would be to ask and get a second opinion ans there was no way he was going to ask Gerard when there was a possibility it's disease. The idea of that freaks him out completely and his second choice was to ask Quinn...but that wasn't a good idea either. Those hands where out of bounds now. And he's worried what would happen if those hands and those eyes where on his dick. It was too risky and it's not like he could ask Brandon, Brandon wouldn't do it so he's left with his bassist. Jepha. Jepha the motha effa.

So, Bert tucks in his sore, itchy dick back into his boxers and ripped open the bathroom door looking rather manic ans dark eyed while he still chews on his lip. He looks worried.
"Jeph!" Bert calls out to him with a harsh whisper. Wiping his head around to try ans spot him and he finds Jepha looking at him with a mixture of concerned amusement for his front man in the hallway with a tea in his hands. "Bert?" He matches but doesn't use the same harsh whisper as Bert did. Bert's eyes shift around them. Sussing out the area for anyone else. His hands still on the bathroom door and he's half in ans half out of it. "Can you come in the bathroom?" He takes a step back ans motions to inside.
Jeph's whole expression changes, "what why?" He asks immediately.
Bert takes a step back into the bathroom ans  flicks his head towards the inside while keeping eye contact with his bassist. "Just!...umm" he looks embarrassed. "Just come?" Bert's small voice hits Jepha ears and he grows quiet from mildly amused, concerned to concerned. "There better not be a shit in there." He warns as he reluctantly puts his tea down with a sigh and ventures inside the bathroom with Bert. "There's shit all over the walls. Just come here!" Bert snaps.

Bert shuts and locks the behind them and Jepha gulps. Eyes wide, "are you coming into me?" He blurts out.
"What!?" Bert's so shocked and confused. "-No!"
"You can't come on to me Bert, your with Gerard-"
"Jepha! I'm not coming on to you I need you look at something." Bert's deadly serious and Jepha is freaking out now. "Okay?.." he looks wary. Taking a tiny step back from Bert.
"I need you to look at my dick." Bert's looking Jepha in the eyes with that same piercing expression and Jepha knows he's worried about something but why did Bert have to look so intense sometimes. If you didn't know him he could come across as angry but it's not anger in his Eyes it's this weird look of fearfulness. It's all weird. But Bert's a weird guy so it made sense.
"No." Jepha shakes his head. "Uh uh-"
"Please jeph?" Bert pleads taking a step towards him which makes Jepha jump back into the corner. He's cornered himself. Fuck. "-no! Why are you asking me?" He cries. Eyes wide and panicked. "I don't want to see that! Why aren't you asking Gerard!?"
"I can't ask Gerard!" Bert groans. This was so embarrassing.
"Why not he's your boyfriend, why don't you asks Qu-" he cuts himself off because it dawns on him why Bert won't ask Quinn. "Ask your boyfriend." He tells Bert. Trying to take a more gentle but sterner approach.
Bert fidgets in his annoyance like a child. Throwing his body about and groaning. "Jeeeeeppphhhhh."
"Beeeeeeerrt!" Jepha mimics him. "Ask Gerard."
"I told you I can't!" Bert cries. Why couldn't this go his way like he had imagined.
Jepha narrows his eyes and his arms cross over his chest. "Why...why can't you?"
Bert hangs his head ans doesn't meet Jepha's eyes. "I don't know...if I have carpet burn or...-"
"Or?.." Jepha uncrossed his arms eyes softening with concern again. "Or...ummm an STD." He admits shamefully and he's so embarrassed. This tops that time in high school  when he was on stage in the school play and his pants fell down. Bert wondered if it topped when his parents where listening to him on the phone talking to his girlfriend about sex and cursed himself for making him relive that. It came close.

Jeph's left pretty stunned and quiet. Blinking a few times as he tried to process what the fuck Bert just said. "Carpet burn?" He repeats. "On...your dick?" He's borderline amazed Bert had possibly managed that. "How the fuck?" He looks at Bert who's fidgeting again and diverting his eyes. "Last night I naked power slided-"
"Slid." Jepha corrects which earns a glare from Bert. "Sliiiiid on the floor at the party last night."
"Oh." Jepha brings a finger to his lips. Staring at the shower wall as he imagines the scene. He cringes, "was that after or before the blue shots?" He asks. "Because I left-"
"After the blue shots." Bert sighs.
"Ah." Jepha nods his head. He went to bed. Deciding there and then that he had made the right decision to not partake in the drinking of blue shots because it sounded like he'd miss madness. He doesn't need to witness the madness every night. Once a week he'll participate or stay to watch the shower maybe twice a week.

Bert suddenly pushes himself of the bathroom wall, "Jepha look at my dick!" He demands.
"No Bert!" Jepha cries. "That's gross!"
"You've seen my dick before!" Bert reminds him. "I've seen your dick too can you just-"
"Those where accidents and just because I've seen it by accident a few times doesn't mean I want to see it willingly." He tries to move past Bert for the door but Bert only tries to make a grab for him. "Go to your boyfriend!"
"But what if it isn't carpet burn!?" Bert wants to fucking cry right now. He's really freaking out. "It's probably carpet burn Bert." Jepha groans.
"But it might not be!"
Jepha narrows his eyes again at Bert. Something wasn't right, "if it's not carpet burn then who would have you gotten the STD from?" He asks. "It would be Gerard right?"
Bert doesn't expect the question. In fact it just drops the guilty weight on his shoulders like it did that morning and Jepha sees it. "Bert, dude?" He shakes his head. How had he not managed to stop this? Bert had asked to him to keep ans eye on him what the fuck happened.
"Some hotel...some chicks...booze-"
"Ans drugs?" Jepha asks. Releasing that two week period where Bert kept disappearing off the planet might not have been to see 'his sister while she deals with a breakup' ans he feels stupid and played.
Bert doesn't say anything which proves it. "Jesus." He shakes his head. Before suddenly feeling quiet angry with Bert. "Brandon's put up a lot man. You know how he feels yet you blatantly ignore him and do coke in front him and shit!"
Bert really felt like a kicked dog now. He didn't expect Jepha to get like this with him and he definitely didn't think he deserves it. He looks even more upset and Jepha softens up again. "Just...keep it together?" He sighs. "And go show Gerard your dick Bert" he groans. "I don't wanna see it."
Bert immediately starts to protest. "But Jepha you owe me-" starts to whine bud jeph's quick to put him in his place. "I won't tell them about your little trips to Utah so I don't owe you anymore." He reached pasted Bert and unclocks the bathroom door and opens it. "Go tell Gerard!" He tells him as he walks out.
Bert stood there trying to think of what the fuck to do. He can faintly hear Quinn in the distance asking why the fuck him and Bert where in the bathroom together.
All Bert has to take from this was that this had been a fucking disaster.
Jeph knows he been naughty. Jepha knows he could possibly have an STD snd he's not any closer to knowing if it is an STD or just carpet burn and now he has to ask Gerard.
He could possibly loose his boyfriend. Because if it's not carpet burn...

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