Bert hits brandon in the face with a laptop

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Gerard ran his hands up Bert's exposed chest. "No one is on the bus baby.." he purrs. But it falls on death ears. Bert was way too caught up in how drunk he was. The room spinning while he laid there.
Desperate for attention, his hard cock slowly falling Limp if Gerard would let it.
"...just me and you..." Gerard was peppering kisses. Gerard had been pissed off at these last few days, and those past few days Gerard had ignored him so Bert had gotten wasted and fucked up. it wasn't his fault his cock wasn't staying up. Gerard's tantrum had finally fizzled out due to his sex drive and Bert hadn't had a sign or warning and now the couple had to live with the consequences. Gerard was horny and Bert was too drunk to keep it up. It should I have been clear to Gerard as soon as he dragged Bert back to the Used bus and pulled down both they're pants. Sex just wasn't going to happen. And instead of Gerard trying to wake up Bert's cock he should've got Bert to try and suck him off or jerk him off. It probably would've been much more successful and Gerard would've had some sexual fun. But he's come at it all wrong and neither of the two ended up cumming. Instead they fell asleep on top of each other, pants and boxers half way down they're legs. Body's tangled up.

It wasn't until later that night Gerard was rudely awoken by the screaming and squealing of the skinny boy next to him.
Gerard sat up in the bunk abruptly. Hitting his head in the process, "fuck!" He brings a hand to forehead, eyes wide and alarmed as he catches Bert swatting his hands around his face. "-Bert what the hell?" He cries.
"Get it off me!" Bert screams. "Get it the fuck off me!" Bert continues to squirm around, hiding his face. Gerard tried to help but he's not sure what the hell he can do when he doesn't know what the fuck is wrong. "Bert?...-shit what!?"
Gerard slides them out of Bert's duvet and Bert squirms again so much that when he slides a little bit more to the right he falls off the edge and onto the bus floor. "-ah!"

"Bert!?" Gerard panics. Climbing out of the bunk, almost falling over because his pants where at his ankles. He pulls them up and immediately goes to Bert's side but instead he just stands over Bert who's laying on the floor trying to calm down. His chest rising and falling quickly. He looks like he'd had a panic attack.
"W-what the fuck happened baby?" Gerard asks, he was bewildered and shocked. Like what the hell happened!? One minute they're peacefully sleeping and the next thing he knows Bert is screaming and crying. As he tried to figure out what the fuck actually happened, Bert sits up a little. Scrambling to his feet as he looks around the floor for something. "-did you have a nightmare?" Gerard Ask. He couldn't care less if the rest of the used woke up right now.
Bert's still breathing heavily. He still looks so panicked and Gerard doesn't know what the fuck to do. "Bee?"
Bert looks up at Gerard and pulls his boxers up so his cock isn't swinging, "I didn't have a nightmare I'm not three" he says quickly and Gerard pulls a face. What the actual fuck?
"There was this fucking thing!" Bert cries, "it attack my face!"
Attacked his face?....what? "What like a bug?" Gerard raises an eyebrow, hands on his hips.
"I don't know, but it kept buzzing!" Bert made an angry buzzing sound. "Bzzz! Bzzzzzzz! Right in my ear!" He motions to his ear. Gerard couldn't believe how panicked Bert still looked. "-it landed right on my face! It was trying to get in my ear!" And Bert's eyes well up with tears a little more and Gerard was beyond shocked.

Gerard couldn't help but laugh a little bit though, "Ohh baby, come here" he smiles softly, pulling Bert's skinny frame into a hug. He was shaking in Gerard's arms. "It's just a fly or something, it's not going to hurt you" Gerard soothes but Bert shakes his head. "It was way too big to be a fly!"
"Well it's gone now, okay?" Gerard kisses Bert's forehead. "It was no match for McCracken" he jokes. But Bert still seemed very tense. "Come on," Gerard chuckles quietly. "Lets go back to bed?" He reaches for Bert's duvet that was in a crumpled pile on the bus floor by the bunk.
"Fuck that" Bert shakes his head and takes a step back. "I'm not sleeping again tonight" he says rather matter of a factly. Gerard rolls his eyes, "Well I am" he says, glancing at his watch "it's six in the morning" he grimaced, picking up the duvet entirely, but as he does the bug that attack Bert's face must've been trapped under the duvet and just as Gerard picked it up it made a beeline towards him. "HOLY FUCK!" Gerard screams and rushes backwards, almost knocking over Bert in the process. "OH MY GOD!" Bert screams too. "Fuck'n Kill it pretty!" Bert cries as him and Gerard rush into the buses kitchen unit. Bert grabbed Quinn's laptop and held it in the air ready to use as a weapon to defend himself from the bug. While Gerard hid his face with his hands.

"What the fuck is going on?" Came the groggy reply of Brandon, who crawled out of his bunk to join Gerard and Bert in the hallway who where still panicking about the flying insect.
"Brandon don't move!" Bert cries. But Brandon was still half a sleep and walked straight into the bug that was flying around. It buzzed loudly as he came into contact with Brandon's eye and the poor drummer cried out in shock. Loosing his footing because he slipped on Bert's duvet and fell to the floor.
"Oh my god!" Gerard cries. He understood why Bert had been so fucking petrified of this bug. It's body was the size of his thumb and it had a loud scary, angry buzz noise.

"Brandon!" Bert squeals, "Don't. Fuck'n. Move!" Bert cries and pounced towards Brandon bringing the laptop down hard on Brandon's face. "FUCK!" Brandon cried out in pain, immediately kicking Bert off of him and clutching his face. Bert dropped Quinn' broken laptop and scrambled away from Brandon and the bug.
"Holy shit Bert!?" Gerard gasped. Hands over his mouth in complete shock. His chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to calm down. "Did you get it?.." Gerard chewed his lip and he peered over at Brandon.
"He better fucking had got it!" Came Brandon's muffled reply as he still clutches his face on the floor. "He fuck'n hit me with a laptop!"
"Who got what with a laptop?..." Jepha appeared in the hallway by the bunks, in some red boxers. Favourite mug in his hand. He looked tired but amused. "What happened?" He motions to the entire hallway of the bus. "And why is Brendon bleeding?"
"He's bleeding!?" Bert jumped down from the sofa that he had retreated too and peered at Brandon apprehensively behind Gerard.

Brandon sat up, wiping his running nose on the back of his hand. The blood and snot moving together. "Ohh gross dude!" Bert grimaced. But he's smiling. "The bugs all smashed on his face.." he's laughing now before growing instantly excited, "I FUCKING GOT IT!" He cheered. Looking so proud of himself. "I fucking got it!"
"Ughhh..." Gerard too grimaced and straightened up so he could get away from Brandon a bit more.
"Gerard, I got it" Bert giggles like a school girl. "Y-yeah definitely got it Bert." Gerard laughed sheepishly as he scanned Brandon's face again.
"Shit.." Jepha agreed when he peered over Brandon's shoulder and caught site of the bug mascara on his face. "that was a huge mother fucking insect dude!" He gasps. Wearily, walking past Brandon and going to the fridge freezer so he could get something cool to put on Brandon's face for the swelling. Bert had really done a number on Brandon's poor face.
Brandon winced and he wiped his bleeding nose on his hand again. His swollen lip trembling, it was all puffy and red. Split.
"How hard did you him Bert Jesus Christ?" Jepha shook his head when he couldn't find anything in the freezer. But it wasn't like they'd keep a bag of frozen peas in there, they're rock dudes on tour. They got more pot noodles than Costco. Instead, he closed the freezer door and opened the fridge to grab a cold beer to put on the swelling. He takes the beer out but it's snatched out of his hand quickly by Bert who's back on the sofa, standing on it with his dirty smelly socks. "Really?" Jepha huffed but couldn't hide the amused grin he had. He just takes out a cold soda instead as it was the nearest thing in the fridge form where he was now stood and shut it. Walking over to Brandon.
Gerard had gotten some wipes and handed them to Brandon so he could wipe the remains of the bug off his face.
He joined Bert on the sofa after picking the smashed laptop off the floor and started to inspect it. "I don't think this is rescuable.." he admits.
Bert finished the beer and crumpled it before throwing it in the trash and missing. He pulls out Gerards pack of cigarettes and help himself to a few.

"That's Quinn's laptop, holy shit" Jepha gasped when he saw the laptop. It was in two Pieces, one hinge completely off and the left hinge was hanging by a thread. It was the only thing keeping it from being two separate pieces of laptop. "Will be mad?" Gerard asks.
"Speaking off Quinn-" Jepha piped up. He hasn't meant to cut Gerard off. "Did he sleep through all of this?"
"Probably" Brandon grumbles.
"Quinn can sleep through anything" Jepha shook his head. This whole thing has been ridiculous.

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