Pair of lesbains

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Gerard wasn't about to stand by and watch Bert butcher another one of his crayons. The mother fucker was scribbling unnecessarily hard, (like a god damn five year old) with the damn thing and Gerard knew how this would end. He's got a whole file of witness statements to use against Bert in court when he inevitably gets arrested for being a serial crayon, neck breaking killer. Kicking himself for allowing Bert access to his art supplies again, you'd think gerard would've learned by now the younger singer doesn't know how to be gentle when he's this sort of grabby drunk. Gerard was also getting wound up by Bert's singing. He was singing a song by the smiths in such a way where he wasn't able to tell if he was singing the smiths version, 'How soon is now?' or the t.A.T.u. one. It could be any of the two! It was grinding his gears. If the fucker is singing t.A.T.u. Gerard will giving him a slap because they're meant to be taking a break from the coke and t.A.T.u. has come into they're coke binges since late 2003. Bert's being a sneaky little shit trying to plant the seed in Gerard's brain just like Gerard had done a few times when he wanted get on the lines but didn't want to be the one to say it first and instigate it. So, what he had done was, he'd kept sniffing in a such way that he knew would make Bert or anyone who snorted coke regularly think of the drug. It as worked perfectly, it was actually sort of bewildering how well it worked and if anyone asked or accused gerard he had the perfect alibi. He has sinus issues. They where as bad as each other.

"Bert." Gerard had, had enough. He dropped his own pen and sketchbook on the buses pull out table. "Your doing it wrong." He deadpans. He regretted his stance straight away because Bert drops the crayon down so hard on the piece of paper given to him it snaps in two. (Bye bye blue crayon.) Bert erupts, "You shu-ut your mouth..." a loose finger is pointed at Gerard like the younger singer was indicating the lyrics where for him. Gerards eyebrow rises in such a way that Bert, if he knows what's good for him should watch out. But Bert doesn't know any other way than putting on a show. The younger singer continues to sing ridiculously, "-hoow can youuu sa-Ayy...I goooo aa-about things the wrong wayyyy? I...-am hu-man...and I need to be loved!...just like every-bo-dy else d-OHPPFFF!!" Bert's song is cut off prematurely when Gerard sucker punches his gut. It's pretty satisfying to watch as Bert turns in on himself and clutches his stomach. "You punch like a fuck'n lesbian!" Bert forces out with gritted teeth. His insult doesn't phase gerard one bit who keeps a neutral expression that hides his inner smirk. "Oh sugar, I wasn't even trying my hardest." He couldn't hide the smile on his voice though.

It didn't take long for Bert's recovery. As soon as he's healed enough he belts out, "SUGAR, HONEY, ICE-TEA!" Pounding his fist on the table. Making it shake violently and causing it to rattle as he knees it continuously from underneath.

From the front of the bus, "BERT!" snaps Brian. "Stop it! You'll break it." He scolds The Used singer. Brian was on the my chem bus talking about the tour or something with Ray, Frank and Bob the used techie.  Neither Gerard or Bert where interested. Bert was too hyper and Gerard just wasn't in the mood for anyone else but his boyfriends company. They where meant to be getting a motel tonight but Bert hadn't said anything else about that plan since Gerard brought it up when they first awoke.

"Briaaan." Bert whines. Shaking on his spot on the sofa like he's a toddler who's about piss himself. "Briaaaaaan I can't stop." He moans before throwing arms out and trying to grab at Gerard who's across from him while his head is leant against the cool table top. "Aaaalll the things she said-" he mumbles into the plastic top before giving up his assault on Gerard and throwing himself back up into a sitting position to look at anyone who was watching him with wide manic eyes. " aaall the things-she saaaa-id...-run-ning through my heeeaad-run'throughmyhead!" Bert sings in a screechy voice a twenty something year old man should not able to do.

Gerard froze for a second. He realised he was right, Bert had been singing t.A.T.u. The mother fucker...

Looking moderately concerned like the rest of the souls on the MCR bus, "Jesus." Brian sighs. Swallowing his confusion and trying to look Gerard's way for answers. Gerard isn't paying Brian much attention. Instead the singer was looking at Bert in a way no one could read. "Have you had your medicine today McCracken?" Brian asks. Joking away but also hoping he'll find out if he needs to book a medical tent closer to the buses tonight.

"I should give him a Xanax...maybe then he'll shut up and not break my crayons." Gerard mutters to himself. He has a dark look in his eye as he says it. Hand in hand with a devilish smile but Bert's the only one to hear Gerard's dark joke because Bert himself was being the centre of attention and loud as fuck. "AHHHHHHHHWWWW!" Bert lets out a wild scream and that's what makes Frank storm off the bus to take an angry smoke outside in the sunshine. There's only so much he could take, you know.

"It's yes or no answers Robert." Brian plays along. "We don't understand caveman." Or At least tries too...he's not entirely sure what he's meant to be playing along too. "No-Pe!" Bert finally says. Popping the P which leads to a few shouts of "Pee'n'Poo-Pee'n'Poo-Pee'n'Poo!"

"I'll make sure he gets his meds doc!" Gerard puts on a very exaggerated New Jersey accent. "Don't worry 'bout it!" And Bert unsuccessfully tries to to join in, "Don't worry a'bout it!" It wasn't a very good New Jersey accent at all. "I'm wal'kin 'ear!" He tries again a little harder.
"Nah baby it's I'm waak'in hear." Gerard tries to show him.
"Im waking here?!" Bert's second attempt.
"No. I'm waak'in hear." Gerard shows him again.
"No." Gerard puts a stop to this because it wasn't going to end any time soon if he didn't put his foot down. He stands up and grabs Bert's shoulders. "Come on!" He smiles. Dragging Bert to his feet, "I need some fresh air." He huffs lightly and looks passed Bert towards Ray, Brian and his younger brother. "You guys want to come?" He asks. He's only asking to try and throw them off the scent of what him and Bert will really be getting up too if he's clocked onto Bert's little singing trick correctly. Why would they think him and Bert would be doing anything harder than beer if the rest of the band is being invited to be in the couples company? Gerard was also knew his band enough that they where no way in the mood to be around Bert when he was this hyper currently. He knew they wouldn't want to join them. It was perfect.

And just like he'd for-scene Ray shakes his head, causing his crazy fro to shake. "I'm good." He says. "Me, mikey and Bob are going to jam." He says cheerfully. Mike's busy on his phone and Bob is staying quiet. Ray's explained them away anyway.
"Oh cool." Gerard smiles. Sticking his bottom lip out and nodding like he was curiously surprised. He didn't actually a shit. "What do you play Bob?" He asks. Only pretending to be interested and that's when Mikey looks up from his phone. He knows his brother.

"He plays drums." Bert butts in. Lighting a cigarette. "Can we go, I need a fuck'n reaaaaal drink and joint?" Bert grumbles and pulls a pouty face. "It's soooo hot. Beers'jst' giv'n me migraines." It really wasn't ideal to be drinking countless beers in this heat. You get dehydrated way to quickly. Bert rubs his temples and and shuffled over to Brain who looks weary at the younger front man Because it's not clear what Bert will do. Brian could relax however because all Bert does is put his head on the managers shoulder and looks up at him with sad eyes. "Aww McCrack-head." Brian teases gently and wraps a caring arm around Berts skinny shoulders, pulling him tight. Bert looks up at Brian and puckers his lips. Brian strains his neck to look at Bert before twisting slightly to the side to lean forward and kiss Bert's inviting lips. It doesn't phase anyone. It's nothing knew. Bert kisses everyone and Bert likes to kiss Brian A LOT. "If you drank more water you might not get so many headaches." Brian offers some advice knowing full well it would be going in one ear and out the other with this kid from Utah.
"I tell him that aaaaall the time." Gerard rolls his eyes. "But does he listen, no. Does he complain, yes."

Looking at his older brother, Mikey pushes his glasses up his nose. "We tell you that all the time too. Do you listen?" Mikey copies his brother. "No. Do you complain, oh yes!" That earns a few laughs from the rest of the guys including Bert who takes it a step further by giving gerard the middle finger and adding a "HA.HAA!" Because he's a very mature twenty two year old.

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