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As exciting as days off seemed, Frank found them kind of boring. Refreshing sure! He didn't have wait around for sound check and then wait around for they're show, he could do as he pleases. He found out however, if you don't participate in the day drinking and or sleeping in until it's a more acceptable time to drink having a free day was boring. They dragged and where slow. What was he supposed to do? He didn't like smoking weed all day when he would just become lazy. Sometimes he smokes himself sober and became even lazier then.

He looks up from his guitar as the bus door opens. Taken by surprise when he sees Gerard and not Ray or Mikey. "Hey!" Frank cheered. "Thought you'd be with the used?" He'd presumed his front man would be with The Used. As aggravating as it was Gerard and McCracken where joined at the hip.

When Gerard shrugs and grumbles something incoherent frank decided to push, "you look like Bert." He says.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Gerard looks at frank with a half glare. Like he's telling the guitarist to be careful what you say here...and frank was going to ignore the warning. "I mean you look like shit." The words leave his lips with venom dripping from them.
"Don't start." The growl from his front man sets frank in his place for only a little bit. The make out session Gerard and Bert had, had on the bus a few nights ago was fresh in franks mind. Burning inside his head and haunting him each time he closed his eyes. "What?" Frank laughs, "can't I worry about a mate?" The word mate even from his own mouth is a slice to the throat. "Jepha is worried about Bert. So is Brandon, and you hang out with him more than they do!"

Gerard knows exactly what card is trying to play here. It wasn't going to work. "Don't pretend this is about anything else...when it clearly...err isn't." Great. Gerard's so hungover he can't even express himself properly.
"What?" Frank snorts all sarcastic like and it's just too much attitude for Gerard. "I know what your doing." He snaps. "Your not worried about me and Bert, your worried about what we're doing." At least this time he was formulating sentences better. "Your jealous."
That gets frank riled up, "I'm not jealous of that stupid junkie!" His reaction oozes green and Gerard smiles like a black cat. A black cat that kisses you while he pulls your heart out of your chest so he can put it in one of those voodoo dolls...starts stabbing the doll with pins until finally you bleed out and die. Fuck you.

"Sure." Gerard just shrugs. "Whatever frank. Bert says hi by the way." He lifts up his hand and offers a small wave. "He can't say hi to me himself?" Frank asks as he sulks in his spot on the sofa. Eyeing his guitar more than ever now as he thought about writing some revengeful lyrics. He wished he could write like Gerard or Bert...
"You don't want to see him." Gerard rolls his eyes but it caused his headache to take a nastier and meaner approach. He rubs his temples and tried not to think too hard about anything. The anxiety that comes hand in hand with a rough hangover was pretty brutal. He couldn't just be left alone with his headache that rested behind his eyes? The light sensitiveness wasn't going to be good for they're show...did they have one...hang on...-"what day is it?" Gerard asks aloud for anyone to hear him. Unfortunately this is Frank who hears him since he's still right beside him. "It's Tuesday." The smaller guitarist grumbles. "Our day off." He explains limitedly.  "And your right. I don't really want to see McCracken." Frank finally decided ro reply to Gerard's dig. "If you look that rough, is he dead?"

Franks ignored, "Oh gawd." Gerard cringes. Besides the relief of not having any commitments today he still had one commitment that he's already broken. "Me ans mikey where supposed to go to the mall." Gerard frowns. Helping himself to a beer from the fridge. The noise of him cracking open the can grabs franks attention. "It's okay, mikes went with Ray instead."
"Not the point, Franklin." Gerard sighs and frank resented the nickname immediately. "What did you get up to last night?" Frank decided to ask, especially now that Gerard's got a far away look in his eyes. "Jeph said he hasn't seen Bert for three days?" Which was true. It's nothing crazy, it's not like Bert hasn't disappeared for longer but this time his band seemed a little more worried. His question however makes Gerard sigh, "what you do'in talk'n to Jepha?" Gerard asks with a curious look on his face and frank shrugs, "he's nice to me."
"That's all it takes huh?" Gerard lets out a snort and was a little surprised he didn't feel like throwing up even though he was a complete rough, hungover state. "Maybe." Frank says quietly. Looking away.
"I didn't see Bert for four days. That kid is all over the place." Gerard admits. Suddenly feeling secure with frank, enough to talk about Bert in a deeper depth anyway. "John Feldman and Brian dropped him off last night. I don't think I've ever seen two people so mad." Gerard recalls, "I didn't think John could get that mad!" What Gerard said was peaking franks interests and with nothing set in stone to do today learning some drama wasn't so bad. "Why where they mad at him?" He asks. "-and dropping him off?" Frank adds quickly, reaching for his guitar so he can fiddle with the strings. Gerard watched him, contently sipping his beer. "I don't know. Ask Jepha." Gerard's answer wasn't satisfying at all. "Bert's been a loose cannon since he's ex girlfriend and kid kind of died..." there it was. There was the real drama. Gerard looks deep in thought again, but it's a little pained this time and frank makes the presumption that Gerard had seen Bert in a state recently. "Is he okay?" Frank finds himself asking not so much because he wants to know about Bert but because he's concerned for his singer. The sigh that leaves Gerard makes him very aware he's right. "Loose cannon." Is all Gerard says. Leaning against the kitchen counter and looking into the distance. "She was his first love or something." Gerard talked with a bit of attitude when he said that.
"He also lost his dog, right?" Frank asks with a frown. He did feel bad for McCracken when he heard that. "That's fucking rough." He sighs sadly while his fingers danced over the guitars strings and threat board. Gerard let's another sigh and agrees, "yeah..." the beer is left abandoned as the singer eventually decided going to his bunk to sleep off his hangover would be a good call.

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