It itches

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Gerard put his sketchbook down with a huff. He raised his eyebrow and looked to the side. "What are you doing?" He asks, but he's met with a silence that's been constantly interrupted by the skinny fucker in the bathroom. Lots of thudding and fussing. "Bert?" He tried again, this time met with a panicked. "Huh-er'yeah?" And right then and there, Bert stumbled out the bathroom. It looked like he fell out of it. His hand down his pants and his shorts down at his ankles and Gerard soaked up the sight from where he sat, looking very confused.

"Bee?" Gerard was dumbfounded. "What the fuck?" He asks straight up and Bert coughs to clear his throat before he bends down to pick his cargo shorts up. Gerard was still waiting for an answer and an explanation.
"I was doing something" Bert said casually, avoiding Gerard's confused eyes. If Gerard could get over his initial reaction he'd notice how uncomfortable Bert looks right now. He's standing at a sort of ankle and fiddling with his shorts every now and then. But right now he's more focused on what the fuck his boyfriend was doing in the bathroom. "Where you playing with yourself in there?" He asks narrowing his eyes.
"No" Bert whines. Sniffing again. His nose was running due to all the coke he's taken. Gerard started to sit up. "I wasn't babe" Bert tries to be more convincing but Gerard was on his feet now. "Why are you standing like that?" He finally noticed How weird Bert was being.
"I'm standing normally" Berts eyes are shifting again.
"Stop messing around" Gerard huffs again. "What the fuck is going on?" He raises an eyebrow again and got up from his seat. "Your freaking me out"
Bert fiddled with his boxers again and made an uncomfortable noise just as Gerard took a step closer to him. "I don't have an STD but it itches" the words left Bert frantically. He was embarrassed. Of course he was but something wasn't right...down there.
The complete nonsense of that sentence made Gerard freeze, state at Bert in a untrusting way before he realised that Bert's being very serious. "What itches?" Gerard asks gently but not softly.
"My dick" Bert's breathing hitched and he squirms on the spot due to how uncomfortable and embarrassed he feels.
Gerard took a step closer to Bert and gently took his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "You gonna show me your dick?" He asks softly now. Bert was clearly not enjoying this at all. The situation he was in.
Bert looks reluctant and unsure but Gerard pulls Bert back into the bathroom and shuts them both in there. He gently forced Bert to sit down on the toilet and instructed him to pull his boxers down.

Usually getting Bert to expose himself was easy between the excited giggling and squealing or the stupid corny shit that Bert spewed out his mouth. But instead he had a quiet and ashamed boy in front of him.
"Babe..." Gerard dropped to his knees and rested a hand on Bert's bare thigh. "It's okay" he coos. "Just show me what the problem is" in the back of Gerard's mind he was wondering if Bert shameful look was due to the guilt or in fact embarrassment. Because he hadn't forgotten what Bert had said about it not being an STD. How was he so sure?

Bert bit his lip as he lifted his dick up a little and showed off the redder skin at the side of his length. It was very red but only in a small part. He had the same red marks on his upper thigh too. Gerard gently brought two fingers to the red skin and Bert winced. "That hurts!" He whines. Gerard narrowed his eyes and Bert died in the spot with anxiety because he was entirely sure it wasn't an STD. The pain started when he decided to power slide naked with Quinn on the party bus and he felt forward on the carpeted floor- "babe, you've got carpet burn all Over your dick!" Gerard gasps. An amused look on his face. Carpet burn? "So it's not an STD?" Bert looks so fucking relieved.
"No it's not" Gerard agreed but he looks a little more stern now. "Why did you think it was an STD?" He asks and Bert knows he's suspicious of him.
"Because it itches and it hurt and it was on my dick" Bert answered honestly. "It was scary"
Gerard thought it over. And he doesn't believe there's nothing else at play and Bert really thought he'd gotten an STD when it just carpet burn. The stupid mother-"how the fuck did you do this?" Gerard piped up with a snort. His geeky laugh making Bert's heart melt. "Power sliding naked" he admitted. "Tequila shots made it seems really cool"
"I can imagine" Gerard agrees. He carefully cheeks Bert's beautiful carpet burned crotch once more before leaning forward towards Bert and kissing his cheek. "Just need to put some BB Cream on it babe" he says softly.
"Baby cream?" Bert ticks his damaged cock away in his boxers before pulling up his shorts and sliding into them.
"B.B cream" Gerard corrects. "It's for rashes, sun burn and shit but it will probably help your carpet burn...cuz' I think that's a type of rash" he thinks allowed. Gerard was no doctor but BB cream was a life saver.

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