Chapter 4

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After we ate and drank tea, he convinced me to watch something to take my mind off everything.

"You've wasted so much time here with me now. Shouldn't you be getting back to work?" I ask him.

He shrugs, "I'll just make a call. Everything will be fine. How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"A little better, I guess. I really appreciate you doing all this." I say to him.

"It's nothing really. I just want you to feel better. That's all." He says to me.


Halfway through the movie we end up cuddling and it feels comforting.

I don't know if it feels right towards my brother but it feels right, right now.

My eyelids start to feel heavy as I fall asleep.


Elijah's P.O.V

It broke me when I heard her sobbing.

I was on my way out but I couldn't just leave her like that.

I may have crossed some boundaries that were established by Simon and I but at least she is peacefully sleeping in my arms now and not sobbing anymore because of that asshole.

Just as I want to get up because I need to get back to work I hear Simon say, "Well, this looks comfortable." He says as he stands in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Shhh..." I tell him as I quietly get up and leave her asleep.

We exit her room and I close the door behind us.

We walk to the kitchen, "So, no wonder you took so long to get your wallet. You were cuddling up to my sister." He says to me angrily.

"Well, that did you want me to do?" I ask him.

"We literally had this conversation yesterday, Elijah." He says to me.

"I was on my way out when I found her sobbing on the ground, what did you want me to do just leave her like that and continue with my day?" I ask him angrily.

He's shocked at what I just told him.

"No... Of course not. I'm sorry." He says and sighs.

"What happened?" He asks me concerned.

"Ethan interrupted their lunch and they had words. He got physical again because her wrist was all bruised up. I couldn't just leave her, Simon. You know me. I decided to eat my lunch here and got her food, as well. I put on a movie to distract her and somehow she ended up in my arms sleeping. That's all that happened. I just wanted to make her feel better. Nothing more." I tell him.

"We're gonna need to do something about Ethan. If he gets physical one more time I'm going to the police." Simon says.

"He just needs to stay away from her. Otherwise I'm going to sue his family for everything they have. Just because I can." I say to him.

"As fun as that sounds, it's not worth it." I hear Alana suddenly say from behind us.

"Oh, Alana... Hi, how are you feeling? Eli told me what happened." Simon says.

That nickname had to grow on me.

My parents still don't like it.

I look at her as she walks into the kitchen and makes herself some coffee.

"Like I need to wake up and call Quinn. I need to get the notes and everything from the class I missed." She says and I can't help but shake my head.

"And what about what happened with Ethan? Again." Simon says angrily.

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