Chapter 13

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We enter my room and I close the door behind us.

"What the fuck did I just walk in on?" She asks me excitedly.

"When exactly did you two start hooking up?" She asks me again before I can answer her.

"How many hours did I sleep?" She asks looking at her phone and I let out a laugh as I walk over to her.

"Calm down, Quinn." I tell her.

"I was going to tell you everything but I need to know that I can trust you because you can't tell anyone about this. Not even Harry, for the time being. Okay?" I say with my hands on her shoulders.

She takes a deep breath and calms down, "Okay."

"Promise?" I ask her as I drop my hands and hold out my pinky for her.

"I promise." She says as we pinky swear on it.

We've been doing this forever and even though we're in our twenties, we're still doing it.

We both let go and we go sit on my bed.

"It all started after it came out that I'm going out with Joey on Friday." I tell her.

"We talked over text and agreed that we both want to give it a shot but we have to keep it a secret from Simon until we can figure out a way to tell him." I say to her.

"That's amazing and I totally understand but how'd you guys go from texting last night to hooking up, so quickly?" She asks me.

I shrug, "I don't know. After we talked Simon burst into my room to tell me he's heading off to Melanie's place and he'll see me after work." I say to her.

"So, you hooked up after he left?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"No, but I had to resist the urge, you know... Because I knew as soon as I left my room things were going to get heated." I tell her.

"So, what did you do?" She asks me.

"I stayed in my room the whole night." I tell her.

"So, when did you start hooking up then?" She asks me.

"Well, I woke up to blaring music... Which is always fun." I say and she lets out a laugh.

"Why?" She asks me.

"He was busy working out, in his gym." I tell her.

"So, what did you do?" She asks me.

"Well, I turned the music down and he got up. We talked a little and soon after started making out." I tell her.

"And I was afraid Simon was going to show up but you wanna know what he did?" I ask her and she nods eagerly

"Of course, I do!" She says excitedly.

"Simon went to him, as well. To tell him he's leaving and Elijah purposefully scheduled a meeting that Simon has been pushing back. So that we could spend a little time together." I tell her.

"Really?" She asks me and I nod.

"So, he made sure that you wouldn't get interrupted?" She asks me and I nod.

"He said so that we could spend some time together but I think it was more so we could hook up." I tell her.

"Were you emotionally ready to hook up with him? Like with everything still going on with Ethan?" She asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know... I mean I thought I wasn't, like I thought it would help if I suppressed my feelings for him that came flooding back because you knew how I felt about him back in high school. I sort of felt guilty to move on so quickly because Ethan and I were together for so long." I tell her.

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