Chapter 6

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After our last class of the day, Quinn and I decided to go back to Elijah's place.

She has been wanting to see it and we can probably eat something there.

We enter the apartment building and walk to the elevator.

"So you want to do anything this weekend?" Quinn asks me, and I shrug as we enter the elevator.

"I don't know... Do you have something in mind?" I ask her as I look at her.

"Ethan." She says, and I frown.

"Well, that would be weird..." Before I could continue, she interrupted me, "No... look." She says, pointing in front of us.

I see him, and he starts to speed up as we make eye contact.

"Oh shit!" I exclaim and frantically press the button multiple times, and the doors close just in time.

I let out a sigh of relief, "God! I really need him to leave me alone." I tell her, trying to catch my breath as I am hyperventilating.

"Yeah, me too." She says as she rubs my shoulder to help calm me down.

"I really need to talk to Harry about this." She tells me.

"You really want to involve the police?" I ask her.

"Well, he's harassing you and stalking you. You need to get some form of protection." She says, and the elevator doors open.

We enter the apartment, and Quinn is in awe.

The doors close after we walk in.

"I do have some form of protection." I say as I quickly add the security code, which I now have saved on my phone for better convenience.

"Is that like a security code or something?" She asks me.

"Yeah, it kinda locks the floor. Only Simon and Elijah can come in whilst I'm alone. Nobody else." I tell her.

"Well, that's pretty cool." She says, and I walk to the kitchen.

She follows me.

"This apartment is amazing." She says, and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I totally agree. I must give it to Elijah there." I tell her.

"Where?" She asks as a joke.

I start to blush as the thought of earlier comes to mind.

I haven't quite told Quinn yet because it hasn't come up in conversation today.

But I see she's about to continue with her antics.

"Oh, shut up!" I exclaim as I turn to her.

"You want something to drink?" I ask her, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, some coffee would be great, but first, I want to know why you are blushing like crazy?" She asks with an excited smile on her face.

"I'm not blushing. Okay... I'm fine." I tell her as I grab some cups for us.

She stands up and walks and stands next to me as I make us coffee.

"Something happened, didn't it?" She asks me with a grin on her face.

I shake my head, "Nothing happened, okay. It's just hot in here." I tell her as I start to blush again.

"Noo! Something happened." She says and playfully nudges me.

"Why are you so adamant about knowing if something happened?" I ask her as I grab the milk from the fridge.

"So something did happen." She says, extremely excited.

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