Chapter 15

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I wait like 15 minutes before getting out of bed.

I'm too lazy to put on something else so I'm just going to keep on what I currently have on.

I grab my phone and go to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and use the toilet.

I walk out of my room and close the door behind me.

I head to the kitchen and I'm surprised to see Elijah there.

"Oh, morning. I didn't know you were still here?" I ask him.

Why am I suddenly feeling nervous about wearing his hoodie?

"Good morning to you. You look adorable. How'd you sleep?" He asks as he stands up and walks over to me.

"Great thanks, and you?" I ask him.

"Great, I guess. I was thinking about you all night." He says as he stops in front of me.

"In my clothes..." He says he puts his hands around my waist.

I take a step out of his grip and say, "Speaking of your clothes. You should have just asked me. I know how to get blood stains out of pretty much anything." I tell him.

He sighs, "So, I'm assuming Quinn told you." He asks me.

"She didn't say a word." I tell him.

"So, how do you know that it's mine?" He asks me.

"She showed me because I asked after I saw it in the trash." I tell him.

"I was going to tell you, Alana. I just wanted you to feel okay first." He says as he takes a step closer to me.

"I understand that but..." I say and he interrupts me.

"I'm sorry, Alana. I just lost it. I tried to be civil but Simon had to get me to stop hitting him. We tied him up and waited for Harry to show up and take him to jail." He tells me everything and I'm shocked.

"You put him in jail?" I ask shocked as I take a step back.

"I thought you would be happy to hear that." He says confused.

"I am. It's just his parents probably bailed him out by now and he's going to be even angrier now." I tell him.

He steps towards me and takes my face and holds it as he says, "And I won't let him get anywhere near you this time. If he does he is going to hear from me, again."

"How can you guarantee that. He always seems to find a way to get to me." I tell him.

"Not this time, Alana. You're safe with me." He tells me.

"And when I'm not with you? Then what? Should I just always look over my shoulder everywhere I go?" I ask him.

"Do you trust me?" He asks me.

I gulp and nod, "Yes, Elijah. I do." I tell him nervously.

"Then don't worry about it, okay?" He tells me.

I sigh, "I'll try my best. I promise." I tell him.

"That's all I need you to do. I'll handle the rest." He says looking into my eyes.

"Why go through all this shit for me?" I ask him.

"Because I want to, Alana. For you. What other reason do I need?" He asks me.

"Am I really worth it?" I ask him.

He grabs and kisses me, "More than you will ever know." He says after breaking our kiss.

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