Chapter 19

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We started cuddling soon after the movie started and shared a few kisses.

Both of us had a few glasses of wine by the end of the movie.

Halfway through the second movie we slowly started making out.

By the end of the movie we were full on making out and touching each other. He pulled my body up against his and had his hand under my shirt.

"Is it time for that other reason now?" I ask him in between kisses.

"Only if you want to? You do want to right?" He asks me suddenly sounding nervous.

I smile, "Of course I want to..." Before I can continue he interrupts me, "Because if you don't want to just tell me..." I interrupt by kissing him.

"I'll tell you, okay but right now I want you." I tell him.

He smiles and grabs and kisses me.

We end up undressing each other and I get on top of him.

We start making out and I can feel he's turned on.

"God! You're beautiful." He whispers in my ear.

"You're just saying that because I'm naked on top of you." I say blushing.

"That too but because I get to hold you and there's no one here that can or will interrupt us." He says not breaking eye contact.

"I know." I say and kiss him.


Elijah's P.O.V

I can't believe Alana is asleep in my arms right now.

We just had sex on the couch and it was amazing.

I'm so happy that we finally got this alone time.

She might be sleeping right now but I don't blame her. I want to be sleeping right now too, I'm so tired.

We had an eventful day today but I wouldn't change it for anything.

When Simon called about the meeting this morning we were equally unimpressed that they wanted to have the meeting this early on a Saturday but I guess that's life.

If I want to be successful I got to work for it.

I don't even remember how many times we had sex today and no one bothered us.

It was amazing but I enjoyed eating and drinking wine with her.

Watching movies with her and just holding her. There's nothing better.

I put another movie on after she fell asleep just so that there's some background noise.

I pull her closer to me and thankfully I didn't wake her. I don't want to wake her.

She looks so peaceful.

I move the hair that fell in front of her face and place it behind her ear and just smile at how at peace she looks.

I start caressing her cheek and I'm just admiring her.

I give her a soft kiss on her forehead.

Like I won't let anybody hurt her, she's too precious for that.

She means so much to me and I don't want to lose her.

The fact that I'm breaking Simon's trust for her says enough because no one has ever meant so much to me that I would do that to him.

I know it's going to hurt him but I'll just have to be there to take the hits because there's no way that he's gonna take it out on her.

I know he's her brother but I just can't allow it. No one deserves to make her feel like she's less than when she's worth more than anything or anyone else.

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