Chapter 7

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So it's Friday today and what makes me even happier is that I'll be back home in time for lunch.

We have some of our classes together but not all of them.

We each have two classes today.

Starting at eight and ending at twelve.

We have the first class together but not the second one.

So, right now I decided to meet her at class as she comes out since her class ends at about the same time as mine.

We meet up after class and decide to get lunch and eat it at my place.

If I can call it that.

We make it to the elevator without getting disturbed by anyone.

Quinn and I have only been making small talk.

So she's probably going to get tired of it and just straight up asked me what happened.

I know her.

Her patience only lasts so long.

As soon as the elevator doors close and I press the button for us to go up, "Okay, would you just tell me already." She exclaims.

I knew it.

I smirk, "Tell you what?" I ask her.

She playfully shoves me, "What happened after I left." She says to me.

I shrug, "We talked, almost kissed again but got interrupted by my brother." I tell her.

"Again?" She asks me sounding shocked.

I let out a laugh, "Yeah, again." I say to her.

"So, did you two agree on anything?" She asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know really. He wants to take our relationship to the next level but I don't want to do it unless we find a way to without upsetting Simon." I tell her.

She sighs, "Are you really going to turn down Elijah to spare your brothers feelings?" She asks me and the elevator doors open.

We enter and I enter the code as the doors close.

"I just don't want to ruin their friendship. It's not that I want to turn him down. It's more like I have to." I tell her as we walk and enter the kitchen.

"Can you just not care about your brother's feelings for one second and have sex with him already." She says as she sits down at the kitchen island.

I just shake my head and blush at the thought of that.

"Quinn!" I exclaim.

"I didn't realize you ladies were home." Elijah suddenly says as he enters the kitchen all sweaty.

He's shirtless and wearing sweatpants.

Looks like he's been working out.

"Didn't realize you were home either." I say to him suddenly feeling all flustered.

"Yeah, we had an early day today." He says and throws a hand towel over his shoulder.

"It's not even two o'clock. How early of a day was it?" Quinn asks him and I let out a little laugh.

"All our employees have been putting in extra hours to get this project done..." He says as he walks over to the fridge and opens it.

"Everything came together so quickly today. It's like it just fell into place." He says as he closes the fridge with a bottle of water in hand.

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