Chapter 18

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I wake up and look at the time.

It's just passed 9am. So at least I didn't sleep too late.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom.

As I do I notice a note that has been pushed through under my door.

I walk over to it and pick it up. I immediately recognize the handwriting, it's Simon's.

It reads:

Hey you got mad at me for coming into your room before so I left this note. I'm at Melanie's for the rest of the weekend. See you Sunday for lunch with mom and dad.

So much information that I need to process right now. I knew my mom was coming but I didn't realize my dad was going to be here too.

Now I'm really nervous and anxious.

My dad's a nice person but he's an intense person. Not a lot of people get along with him.

Hopefully, things go well. I don't want any family drama.

I can't make myself feel anxious right now. I need to clear my head. I'm gonna go for a swim.

Hopefully, that will make me feel better.

I crumble up the note and throw it in the little dustbin I have in the corner of my room.

I also need to process the fact that I'm going to be alone with Elijah for almost two days.

If he's here...

Which is scary, but I think I'll be able to handle it.

I feel comfortable around him. I know we crossed a lot of boundaries fast by just having sex but there was so much built-up sexual tension between us that we just couldn't help it.

And it's not like I don't know Elijah at all. I mean I've known him for more than a few years now and what I know of him is that he's a hard working, intelligent, handsome, funny, witty, talented man that any girl would be lucky to have.

I mean, I have a lot of great qualities myself, but let's not get into that right now.

So, at the moment, Elijah and I might be alone in the apartment.

I need to take advantage of that.

I'm going to take advantage of that.

I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I brush my hands through my hair to make it look somewhat okay, and I head back to my closet.

I grab this sexy red swimsuit that I love and look absolutely gorgeous in.

I grab a towel and my phone.

I unlock my door and walk out of my room, closing the door behind me.

I don't hear any music playing like last time.

I wonder if Elijah's even home. Maybe he had some work to do.

I walk down the hallway and into the living room and out onto the balcony.

I'm still not sure if anyone else is home besides me.

However I'm still going to enjoy my swim.

I put my phone and towel down on one of the chairs outside.

I slowly walk into the pool and eventually dive under the water. I take a swim to the other end of the pool and resurface.

I swim a few laps to clear my mind of the anxiety that's trying to take over.

Any activity I can do to take my mind off of it helps.

Now I'm just floating around the pool, it's relaxing.

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