Chapter 9

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After this morning's fiasco, we all went our separate ways.

I went to take a shower.

Simon and Melanie left after they cleaned up.

I don't know where they went.

There wasn't much talking afterward.

I've been hiding away in my room all day.

Only leaving it when I need to.

It's just passed 6pm and I'm getting a bit hungry.

I decide to go check out the pantry.

I see Elijah's door is still closed as I walk passed it on my way to the kitchen.

There's enough ingredients to make dinner but there isn't enough ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.

Which I'm absolutely craving right now.

I don't want to bother Elijah, whatever he's up to in there.

Simon and Melanie still aren't back.

I don't know what they went off to do and I don't really care.

I decide to grab my phone and a jacket and head to the grocery store to go get the stuff I needed to make the cookies.

I enter the elevator, and the doors close. I exit the building and call a taxi.

It drops me off at the nearest grocery store, and I grab the needed stuff.

I think chocolate chip cookies will help cheer me up.

It's my favorite, after all...

I pay for everything I buy. I was hungry, so I splurged on a few snacks, too.

I exit the grocery store and find another taxi to take me home.

The taxi stops a couple of buildings down to where I live.

"This is the closest I'm gonna get you right now, young lady." He says, and I smile as I grab some money and pay him.

"This is okay. Thank you." I say and grab my stuff and climb out.

I close the car door, and he drives off.

I walked past this building on my way to our apartment building.

I suddenly get grabbed and yanked into the alleyway between the buildings.

I wanted to let out a scream, but my mouth was covered.

I dropped my grocery bags as I saw it's Ethan in front of me.

I'm in complete shock.

"Really?" I ask him as I push him back.

It's a bit dark, so I don't think anyone saw him grab me.

"Yes, really. I just want to talk." He says to me.

"Well, I don't. Ethan, we've had this conversation one too many times." I say and pick up my stuff to walk.

"Just hear me out. Please." He pleads as I start to walk, and I sigh as I come to a stop.

Why did I stop?

I turn around.

Why am I turning around?

"Wow. Okay, I wasn't expecting you to stop." He says, walking closer to me.

"Just say what you want to say." I tell him.

"I just need you to move back. It's driving me crazy. I can't imagine how it must feel for you living with your brother." He says to me.

"It wasn't exactly a smooth ride living with you." I say to him.

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