Chapter 17

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We enter the elevator.

As soon the doors close I let out a breath, "I'm so sorry for that." I say to him.

"It's okay. Your brother is just being protective. I get it. I have a sister of my own." He says.

"Oh, that's nice. What's her name?" I ask him.

"Macy, but she's not important right now. What's important is how gorgeous you look in that dress." He says as the elevator doors open.

"Aww, thanks I wasn't sure what to wear." I tell him.

We head out of the elevator and walk towards the entrance of the building.

"Well, I'm sure you would've looked gorgeous either way." He says to me and I can't help but smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I tell him.

We get in his car and he starts driving.

Moments into driving he sighs, "Not to be a buzz kill but you never told me you lived with Elijah." He tells me.

"I'm sorry, I thought I did." I tell him.

"It's okay you don't have to apologize." He says giving me a sincere smile.

"I live with my brother too." I tell him.

"Yeah, but it's still Elijah's apartment." He tells me.

"Is that going to bother you?" I ask him.

"No, no its not. It just slims my chances even more. That's all. If I had a chance to begin with." He says to me.

"What do you mean. I'm going on this date with you, aren't I?" I ask him.

"Yes, and I don't know for what reason because if I'm up against Elijah I don't stand a chance." He adds.

"Why would you think that?" I ask him.

"He's a young entrepreneur with a successful business, a luxury apartment and you've probably had feelings for him a lot longer then me." He says to me as we come to a stop in front of a beautiful Italian restaurant.

"And yet I'm still here going on this date with you. So how about we head inside and enjoy ourselves?" I ask him.

He smiles and nods, "I would like that. Let's do that." He says and we both get out of the car and he walks me into the restaurant.

It's beautiful.

We find our table and take our seats. Moments later someone comes to order our food and drinks.

We make small talk until everything arrives.

We continue to talk as we eat and drink in between.

We spent the whole night talking it was fun. Elijah didn't manage to come up in conversation again but Ethan did.

It was hard for me to explain our relationship without giving away too much.

"So, have you picked up your stuff yet or not?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"No, I haven't. I need to probably do that this week but I'll ask Simon or Elijah to come with me." I tell him.

"I'd be happy to step in if either of them are too busy at work." He says to me with a smile.

"I appreciate that. I'll keep that in mind when the time comes." I tell him.

"Won't Quinn go with you?" He asks me.

I nod as I continue to eat, "Yeah, she probably will. I'll have to ask her." I say to him.

"That's good to know." He says.

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