LAVENDER: Episode 3.12

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Note: There might be a sensitive part in this chapter that might bother you because while writing this, I was watching my friend play Danganronpa V3 so...yuh.


When the group arrived at the Octavinelle Dorm, they were appalled with the sight they came face to face with.

The whole dorm looked apocalyptic with the water becoming a dark purple, the furniture destroyed, and tables turned over. The atmosphere of the dorm was so cold and eerie that it caused goosebumps to arise within the group. But what made it worse, were the students hanging from the ceiling with a thin, barely visible web.

"What the-!"

Before Ace could continue his panicked outburst, Jack slapped his mouth, "Shh. They're not dead. Just unconscious." He quickly whispered with a glare. "Now stay quiet or we're next."

That immediately stopped any noise, including Grim's whimpering.

Being the great dad he is and accepted, Deuce carefully carried Grim close to him in a way Mayumi would do to comfort the cat. It's the least he could do for the terrified small monster.

"You're lightning magic, and your athleticism, give all of it to me!" Azul demanded with a sinister aura, looming over a Scarabia student who ended up fainting from terror.

Using this as a distraction, the group hurriedly but quietly ran over to where Leona and Ruggie were hiding as they watched the dorm leader maniacally laugh.

"Are you two alright?" Jack whispered.

Ruggie nervously nodded, still alarmed with how the issue had turned, "Y-Yeah. We were able to outrun him. Wait, where's Yumi?"

The first years grimaced as they looked at each other, recalling the last thing they saw before they were pushed out.

"She's still in the Coral Sea." Jack answered with an upset expression.

"Why the hell would you leave her there?" Leona gritted out, frustrated already since they needed her to deal with the serious problem in front of them.

"There was another demon down there. It attacked us when we were about to leave." Deuce said, closely watching Azul from a distance. "She made us leave and forced us to let her deal with it."

"Yeah, you know, the typical Yumi stuff." Ace commented, earning a harsh jab to his side from Deuce.


"Then that means, there's..." Ruggie frowned, not finishing his sentence in hopes he's wrong. But he wasn't. There was in fact, two demons.

"Yeah, that thing looked like something Sam would keep in his shop." Ace muttered out. He was the most freaked out when he saw the humanoid fish come out of the ugly pot. Its features are what disturbed him the most.

And Jack and Deuce agreed, internally shivering from the nasty creature they had to witness.

'Poor Yumi.'

"...she better come back in one piece." Leona mumbled as he and the rest carefully watched Azul, waiting for the ravenette to arrive.


In the Coral Sea...

Mayumi dodges another huge fish that tried to grab her with its slimy hands. She had a couple of cuts from the attacks she was receiving but it wasn't anything deadly, or so she hoped it wasn't.

What she was more concerned about was how annoying it was to fight underwater. It was hard and it slowed her down.

More and more clay fishes kept appearing and at this point, Gyokko was just trying to drain the girl's stamina.

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