Hell above

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Bryan's POV:
I called 9-1-1, they showed up in 5 minutes.
They came inside the house with a stretcher, johnnie showed them where she was.
They brought her out to the ambulance & we went to the hospital with her.
Johnnie held her tiny hand the entire ride there.
She was getting pale, her eyes remained shut.
We got to the hospital in 8 minutes, they rushed her into the ER.
Two people, one guy & one girl, brought us into the interview room to ask us questions.
"Tell us everything that happened." The girl asked.
"Her cousin passed away a few days ago, he was the lead singer for the band 'sleeping with sirens' he helped her get through a lot." Johnnie said.
"And?" The guy asked.
"She tried to kill herself." I said as tears fell down my cheek.
"Where were you guys when this happened?" The girl asked.
"We were downstairs editing youtube videos." Johnnie said as a few tears slid down his cheek.
"Does she have a history with suicide?" The guy asked.
"Yeah, we didn't know until recently." I said.
"What do you mean?" The girl asked.
"She won our contest, one fan gets to spend 3 days in LA with us. She just happened to be the perfect girl for me. I asked her out, she said yes, she's been living with us for about a month." Johnnie said as his voice cracked several times.
"We need to call her family. Do you have their number?" The guy asked.
"Yeah, Johnnie has her sister's number." I said.
Johnnie called meghan. She answered after the second ring. He put it on speaker.
Meghan: hello?
Guy: can we talk to your parents?
Johnnie: lauren's in the hospital
Meghan: mom, come here please.
Her mom: is lauren okay?
Girl: sadly, no. She swallowed a bottle of pills & she has freshly made cuts on her wrists & thighs.
Her mom: we're coming to california, what hospital are you at?
Johnnie: white memorial medical center. (A/N I used google for this because I don't live in cali so I used the first one that popped up)
Her mom: okay, we'll be there tomorrow, maybe sooner. What time is it right now?
Me: 12:30 pm
Her mom: okay, it's 3:30 pm where we live, we'll leave in a few hours.
Johnnie: okay, have meghan text me when you get here.
Her mom: were you & lauren dating?
Johnnie: yes ma'am. I hope we still are.
Her mom: just please take care of her, i trust you.
Meghan: wow, johnnie. You should feel good about that. She doesn't trust many people.
Her mom: meghan shut up & pack your stuff. We're leaving in a few hours.
Meghan: geez, it was sarcasm.
Johnnie: i think lauren is waking up.
Meghan: I'll end the call & request facetime, okay?
Johnnie: okay.

Meghan hung up & requested facetime.
Johnnie gave the phone to lauren.
Lauren's POV:
Me: hey
Meghan: why did you do this yourself?
Me: i want to die, okay?
Meghan: i love you, okay. Mom & i couldn't eat all day.
Me: it's dad's fault. He dug me my grave & i feel in.
Meghan: you're alive. You failed 6 times. Stop trying. God put you on this planet for a reason & theres a reason why you were the twin that lived.
Me: but-
Meghan: stop. Johnnie is an amazing person & you're lucky to have him.
Me: if you take him from me i will literally go to massachusetts & bitch slap you. Okay? Okay.
Meghan: mom & i are going to california.
Me: is dad coming?
Meghan: no
Me: good, im not in the mood for his shit.
Meghan: why do you hate him so much?
Me: you know why.
Meghan: is it because he abused you?
Johnnie: you're dad abused you?
Me: he abused both of us. He stopped but my emotional pain is still there.
Meghan: when we get to california I'm hugging you, you scared the shit out of me.
Me: but i hate hugs.
Meghan: do you like johnnie hugs?
Me: yeah because i feel protected, like nothing can hurt me.
Meghan: I'm just glad you're alive.
Me: please don't cry.
Meghan: Are you feeling better?
Me: no, can i talk to mom.
Meghan: sure. Mom, lauren wants to talk to you.
Mom: hi honey
Me: hi mom, im sorry.
Mom: I'm just glad you're okay.
Me: i miss you, a lot.
Mom: i miss you too, We'll be there soon.
Johnnie: i can't wait to meet you, even if it's like this.
Mom: thank you for making my daughter smile everyday. I shouldn't have judged her for liking the things she likes.
Me: mom, you don't have-
Mom: yes i do.
Me: no you don't.
Mom: we have to go, we're getting on the plane.
Me: okay, I'll see you soon.

I'm not perfect *featuring Johnnie Guilbert & Bryan Stars*Where stories live. Discover now