Mission time!!

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Sunlight beamed down on the blond's bed as Lucy groggily woke up unwillingly.

"Well guess I better get up and head to the guild hall" She spoke with a croaky voice. She crawled out of her cozy sheets, before heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Lucy's POV:

Minutes flew by and I was on my way to the loud hall, filled with my 'family'. I stopped directly infront of the doors before opening them as i could hear Natsu and Gray fighting from outside. Mentally face palming.

As soon as I walked over to where the gang (Natsu,Gray and Erza) were sitting, I asked " Hey guys, wanna go on a job? Im kinda low on money at the moment and my rents due next week."

"Sure, no problem Luce, I've actually been dying to go on a job myself!" Natsu spoke with his usual toothy grin,

"Yey thanks, shall I go pick a job or does anyone else want to choose?" I asked assuming that either Natsu or Gray would want to choose a job, since it had been a while.

But Gray just replied with " Nah Lucy, you just pick one." I nodded with a smile and went off to pick a job.

Once at the board, I noticed that their were many jobs that we could do, but one really stood out and caught my eye. Taking it down to get a better look,I read 'shall you slay the demons that roam our land, a large reward will be passed to your hand'. At first I was a little skeptical but decided to go with it as there were no other jobs that caught my eye.

Whilst walking back to the team, i tripped landing on my butt. A few members snickered, but quietened down once I got up and began to walk again. I looked over to Erza, who was sat with the rest of Team Natsu but looked quite melancholy; when I reached them I asked her," Hey Erza, something up, your looking kinda down?"

She just nodded, then replied with a teared expression, "They ran out of strawberry cake today, so I couldn't have any,"

I chuckled to myself and happily stated,"Don't worry, I promise I'll buy you some once we finish our mission." Her frown literally turned upsidown."Really!!!!!!!!" She replied. This just made me laugh harder and nod at her now cheerful aura.

After what seemed like hours, we were ready to head off to our destination. Hargeon. Being here reminded me of the first time I met Natsu and he brought me to fairy tail. I truly was, and still am, greatful.

Checking the poster for details on the location of the demons I noticed that they were in the nearby forest, not too far from the train station.I told the rest of the Team and we headed there.

Once we had reached the forest, I felt an eery presence of magic, but noticing that Natsu, Erza and Gray seemed to not notice this , I dismissed it and headed inside the dark and spooky woods.

Suddenly we were attacked by some demons, they were simple to beat,that was until a whole swarm of them came to attack us at once. Fear struck me like a bullet, and I froze.a hord of them leaped on me and started to claw at my skin and I was badly wounded.Within seconds, Natsu was at my side attempting to stop them from hurting me further. The demons attention was then turned to Natsu and they began to claw at him leaving deeper gashes than mine, I thought we would all die until Erza and Gray stepped in and fought the rest of them off one by one with waves of ice make magic and Erza's heavens wheel swords.

Moments passed and my fear had elapsed, causing pain to takeover my body,I grasped my shoulder which was hurting the most, when I looked over to see what damage there was I heard Natsu shout at me.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT LUCY, IF ONLY YOU WEREN'T SO WEAK WE COULD HAVE GOTTON OUT OF THERE WITH NO WOUNDS AT ALL!!BUT NOOOOOOO!! YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE SAVED AND IM TIRED OF BEING THE ONE WHO HAS TO RISK MY LIFE TO SAVE YOURS!!" Gray and Erza were shocked at first, but then replied at the same time "He has got a point you know." I didn't know what to do or think of at first, and it took me a few minutes to talk in order to hold back the tears welling up in my eyes. "Oh, I didn't realise I was such a burden to you....... I'm sorry" i said trialling off near the end. Silence overtook the air making it hard to breath. Until Erza stated "come on, let's collect our reward and head back before it gets dark." Everyone nodded in agreement and followed behind Erza until they made it to the train. They all climbed aboard and headed for Magnolia.

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