Rising evils

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Lucy's POV

I awoke to the sweet sound of chirping birds. I lay there for a while, listning to their melodic harmonies, before getting up and taking a shower. Making my way downstairs, I decided to make an omelet for breakfast, nothing special. Once I ate, I would head to the guild, just like before. Which brings me back to the question; revenge or not to revenge? I thought long and hard about it last night but still, I'm inconclusive. After a little more thought, I ultimately decided that it would be better for me to wait and see how they react once that figure out that it's me.

I snapped out of my thoughts once I realised that I had reached the guild doors. I shighed as I made my way over to the bar and sat in my usual seat. Just like old times. I sat silently and hummed to my self but I eventually grew board, so I wandered over to the request board to find a job that payed a lot. After a long time of looking around, I found a pretty simple job. It involved going to destroy a dark guild named rising evils located in the town of snowbell. I took the job request and headed over to Mira. "Hey mira, I'm gonna take a solo job, that cool with you?" I asked. She looked shocked at first but then replied with, "are you sure you want to do this alone? It sounds really dangerous." I replied, " don't worry, I'm a lot stronger than you think." I walked out of the guild and headed to my apartment to pack my things.

After I had packed my things, it was about midday, so I walked to the nearest train station and bought a ticket to Snowbell town. The train would arrive at 1:00 and currently it was 12:30 so I still had half an hour to wait. Looking around, I noticed that there was a spare bench available not too far from the platform in which I would board my train.

About half an hour had passed and my train had arrived. Once I boarded I found 4 empty seats so I took the one next to the window." It's okay you can Come out now" I spoke softly. A black exceed with red paws and a small red patch on the tip of her tail popped out from underneath my jacket and said, "phew, I'm glad im out of there, it was warm". "Sorry Araura, but you know I can't risk you being seen in the guild, they might think I'm a dragon slayer and they might dig deeper" I said. She just sighed and replied with," it's fine, but your going to have to tell them eventually you know." "I know " was all I said. And with that she hopped on my lap and fell asleep for the rest of the journey. Silence hung in the air, but it was a comfortable one. I was glad that I didn't get motion sickness even though I was a dragon slayer, I had healing magic which prevented me from becoming sick and quickening my healing rate by a large amount, also my healing rate was Increaced once again because of my vampire magic. Which reminds me, the time of the month will be coming soon.

The train stopped after about 2 hours and we had reached Snowbell town. Despite its name it was actually fairly warm and sunny, it was beautiful, the streets were bustling with people and shop signs were lit even though it was daytime. It seemed very peace full. Wandering around, I noticed a small sign that read : flake place 1-20, which just so happened to be the place I was looking for. I strode to number 12 and knocked on the door. A short old man with grey hair answered and said " you must be from the guild that accepted my job request, come on in". I walked through the mahogany door and he led me to his sitting room where I asked him, " so why do you need rising evils to be destroyed?" "Well you see, they keep coming into the town and causing rukasses and destroying things, they even hurt my little boy Alphonse" he said beginning to tear up. "Don't worry I'll take care of them" I said as I turned to leave.

I headed up up a hill towards the guild hall belonging to rising evils, after asking for directions I knew where I was going. Standing I front of the guild doors I could hear a lot of shouting and fighting going on. I sighed as I walked straight through the front door. As soon as I did, everyone turned to look at me and giving me evil glares. " who are you and what are you doing here?" I heard a voice call. "I am here to take you all down" I announced. " what a pathetic, week little girl like you has come to take us down all by herself, okay then, I promise I'll go easy on you" a man with black hair called. But he had said those trigger words that made me want to go on a rampage. Pathetic. Weak. Oh he will regret calling me that. A few of them ran at me with fists at the ready, i grabbed them with my chain magic and threw them against at wall knocking them out. Suddenly all of them came running at me at once. My hair turned ebony black. " black Phoenix Fire burst" I yelled as a burst of dark flames shot from my body engulfing the entire guild hall easily defeating everyone there. " pathetic, weak you say, I don't think so" I spoke loud enough for them all to hear me. And with that I left. Heading back to the job owners house to collect my reward before returning to the train station. I had totally forgot that Araura was sat on my shoulder the whole time. I laughed mentally as my hair returned back to its golden colour with blue tips.

The train ride back was quite peaceful, Araura had woken up and we chatted the whole way back. Once the train had stopped, I decided to head back to my apartment to get some sleep as it was already 8:00 pm and was dark. As soon as I entered my apartment, I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep.

Time skip~~~~~~next morning

Mira's POV

It was about 6:00 am and it was time to open the doors to the guild, so that other members wishing to get an early job, can. As soon as the doors were opened I went behind the counter and watched as the majority of the members walked in. By now it was about 7:00 and I was worried about Yui, after all she went on that mission to take down that dark guild for 700,000 jewel alone, I mean a whole guild against one Mage was ridiculous even Erza couldn't handle that alone! I just hope she's okay. As if on queue, she walked through the door and walked on over to me with her usual emotionless face. " hey Yui are you okay, what happened with that job?" I asked her." Nothing much, I just went, defeated them and came back is all" was all she said. What! She managed to take down a whole guild by herself, so quickly and without any injuries. This girl really is amazing.

Lucy/ Yui's POV

I was on my way to the guild and I was talking to Araura, she had been stuffed in my jacket for a few days, and I was beginning to think that it might just be better for me to introduce her to the guild, besides it isn't fair for her to stay tucked away all day, overheating in my jacket now was it. As we reached the guild doors I instinctively put her in my jacket. Once I was sure she couldn't be seen, I walked in. I decided to sit in my normal seat next to Mira at the bar, where she swarmed me with questions. "hey Yui are you okay, what happened with that job?" She asked worriedly. I replied truthfully, " Nothing much, I just went, defeated them and came back is all" she looked at me shocked for a moment before returning to her work. Just then I remembered what I was going to do and told Araura to come out from my jacket, she did so gladly. I walked on over to the stage and to the microphone, where I announced," excuse me, everyone, I would like to introduce my exceed Araura," pointing to her "and no before you ask I am not a dragon slayer, thank you" everyone looked at me with a confused expression before turning to Araura and saying "awwwww she's soooooooo cute", she just laughed at this and we jumped off of the front of the stage, heading back to where I was sat before. " happy now, you don't have to hide in my jacket anymore" I said to Araura before slumping into my chair just like before and chatting to each other.

A few minutes later, I heard foot steps behind me. I could already tell who it was by the loudness of his stomps. Natsu." Hey Yui, can I talk to you outside for a moment" he asked me with a suspicious tone. "Sure" I replied, "Mira, can you make sure that Araura doesn't go wondering off please", she smiled at me and said, "it would be my pleasure!" After that I left with Natsu outside of the guild, secretly putting up a sound proof barrier so that nobody could hear us, in case he suspected anything. " okay so what's up?" I asked. "Why do you remind me of someone, someone so fermiliar yet I don't know who that is?" He replied. I was shocked. Mentally of course. "Why do you say that?" I asked knowing he was talking about the Lucy he once knew. "Lucy that's it! Lucy...... Why did you leave, I miss you Luce" he said trailing off. Once again I was shocked, did he just say that he missed me, what's he talking about, he is the one that chased me away. I don't get it. "What happened to Lucy?" I asked pretending to not know anything. "I made her leave the guild 10 years ago, but it wasn't my fault, something was going on with my mind back then and it wouldn't let me control my thoughts and every now and again it'll start up again.." He trailed off and suddenly clutched his head. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's..........happening..............again..............it's...................taking..........over" he said struggling to let the words come out. But all of a sudden he stopped clutching his head and stood up straight like nothing had just happened, but I noticed that he had a darker, evil glint in his eye, making him look menacing. "So where were we"

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