Revenge or not to revenge?

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Time skip~~~ 7 years

At the guild

Lissana's POV

It's been about 9 years since I returned, and I have to say that things have gone really well so far. I have become an s-class wizard along with Natsu, Cana and Gray. However the most shocking thing that happened was when Natsu asked me out! I always thought that he never liked me like that, I assumed that he only thought of me as a friend. Boy was I wrong. We have been dating for 5 years now. I know what your thinking. If you've been going out for that long why don't you just get married. But as we all know Natsu is a 'little' dense. Plus I ain't proposing, I have always thought that the man should , funnily enough, man up and ask the girl to marry him. I mean what's there to worry about when we've been going out for this long. Of course I would say yes, otherwise I would have dumped him already.

Things have been really quiet around here. There has been no troubble, the exact opposite of what happened when I was gone. From what I heard anyway. I wonder what happened to make it quieten down around here.oh well it's not my business. I sighed board when I noticed that Natsu wasn't here. " hey Gray, where's Natsu, he is usually here by now?" I asked Gray. He just replied with," I dunno" and turned back to talk to Juvia. They had also been dating for 5 years. But last year Gray proposed to Juvia and they were now happily married. Juvia was even 9 months pregnant and due any day now! Just then Natsu came rushing in through the doors and ran up to me. " hey Lis, can you come with me for a sec?" He asked. "Sure, but where are we going?" I replied. He just answered with " it's a secret" with his usual cute toothy grin.

After about 10 minutes of walking we reached the cherry blossom tree in the middle of the park. This is the place where he first asked me out, I smiled silently to myself not noticing that Natsu had stopped and turned to face me until our feet were almost touching. I looked up at him and he smiled then got down on one knee. No way, is he really gonna? "Hey Lis, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife" he asked. Joy overflowed form me as I pulled him to his feet and smiled,"of course I will, I love you Natsu". He smile and kissed me on the lips. Then he pulled out a beautiful engagement ring with a white fairy tail symbol, just like my own. After he gave it to me we returned to the guild to tell everyone the news. They were so happy that they threw us a party. I'm so happy that Natsu finally built up the courage to ask me to marry him.

~~~~meanwhile In the other realm~~~~

Lucy's POV

"Mom, Zeref. I'm back" I called. I had just came back from the Phoenix lands and had mastered Phoenix slaying. In the midst of my training, new magics that have never been discovered by humans yet caught my attention, I searched for about a month to find a trainer for each of the new magics. They included: wolf slaying, the art of life and death, Phoenix slaying and vampire magic. The only down side to vampire magic is that I now feel the need to drink blood once a month." Welcome home Lucy, I trust that you have finished your training while I was away" came a voice, one that I had not heard in a long time. " dad!!!" I shouted and ran towards him, giving him a hug. Which was an incredibly difficult task as I had forgotten how to show emotion due to the lack of use over these past 10 years."how have you been?" I ask in a monotone voice." Ive been fine, I'm glad to see you back and alive" he replied with a smile." Come on let's go see you mother and your brother" he said," after all they haven't seen you in a while".

We arrived in the dining hall, where my mother and Zeref we sitting soon as they heard the doors open, they turned their heads to see who it was that came in, once it sunk in and they realised it was me, thy ran up to me, swarmed me with just while saying " welcome back, we've missed you." Hmm I feel like I've just had de ja vu. Oh well. " hello mother, brother. How have you been" I stated clearly. " fine, fine" they both said. "I have a question. Now that I have finished my training may I return to Earthland, I would like to return to fairy tail and buy some new keys?" They looked at me worriedly. Knowing what had happened with Natsu and the others they were reluctant at first. However after a few moments my mother

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