Araura meets the guild

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Time skip 1 week later

Lucy's POV

I sat on my bed talking to Araura because she has been lonely these past few weeks. I decided that today I would take her to the guild and introduce her to everyone. Maybe she can even meet Pantherlilly I think those two would make a good couple. Araura has a bigger from quite like Pantherlilly but can also use copycat magic so she knows the same magic as I do just not as high a level as me and she has to have seen it within a day. in addition she can also turn into a little deep red fox for stealth purposes. "Hey you wanna head to the guild now?" I ask her with a cheerful smile. "yeah sure, and I love it when you smile, I'm glad you now have enough control over your magic power to show emotions without a seal" she replied warmly as we began to head out of the door and towards the guild hall.

Once we arrived at the guild hall, some people began to turn and look at Araura and I with a hint of confusion in their face but soon calmed down once they realised that she was with me. I walked over to the bar and sat down, " hey Lucy what would you like to order?" Mira asked me in a sweet and caring tone," erm....... Just a strawberry milkshake for me please Mira" I said with a small smile, " oh and do you want anything Araura?" I asked her thoughtfully. She shook her head and Mira went off to make the milkshake with a confused look on her face. I decide to go to the stage and introduce her rather than leave the mystery in the air. "Excuse me, I would like to introduce Araura, she is my exceed and we met around 5 years ago, I hope you will all kindly welcome her into the guild" I announced clearly. I knew what would happen next. "hey Lucy, how come you have an exceed and where were you these past 10 years." There is was the fateful question. "Well, it all began When............"

Time skip- the end of the explanation

"and that leads us up to where we are now" I finished off. I looked around to see the majority of the guild tearing up and staring at me. They were just in so much shock that I had these new found powers. "oh that reminds me" I began as everyone shot confused glances my way, "I need to call my brother and tell him everything is fine" I reminded myself. "Wait you have a brother, who is he?" I heard Natzu call out while making his way to the front of the crowd." I guess I'll just call him over now and you'll know. Just promise me you won't attempt to kill him" I asked them, afraid that they might show instant hatred towards him. I closed my eyes and began to think of my home in the other realm. opening my eyes, I cast the projection of a portal informer of me. "Wait here I'll just go and get him" I said before rushing through the portal to the loving family I have missed so much.

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