Old friend?

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Lucy's POV

I headed back to my apartment to pack my things.once I was there I stopped and sighed. I felt no emotion. None. Not even sadness, anger, or hatred towards Natsu or anyone in the guild. Deep down I knew that i was depressed, but I was somehow unable to express it anymore. Slowly I walked through the doors of my house and began to pack my things, I contemplated as to whether or not to summon Virgo to help but I thought against it until I had finished, only so she could store my things in the spirit world until I had a new place to call home.

After about 3 hours, I had finished and Virgo had came and took everything to the spirit world. I was on my way out of the door, but I turned back to take a look at my house one last time. I sighed once more and left.

I wandered around for a little while before making my way into the frost on the other side of Magnolia. It was beginning to get dark, so I decided to stop and take a rest. That's when I heard a twig snap behind me; I quickly turned my head to see the one and only...........................Zeref! Why was he here?? What did he want with me?? Many questions receding through my mind, until he interrupted my thoughts with " Don't be alarmed, I'm only here to talk to you, and I promise that I'm not going to hurt you, i was possessed the last time you saw me!" Looking into his eyes, i could tell he was telling the truth and hoping for me to trust him. There was just something about him that was familiar. " okay, I trust you." I replied. He looked quite shocked that I trusted him so easily, but quickly changed his expression to that of a thankful and relieved smile.

While walking over to me he explained a lot of things that I didn't understand. "Okay well first of all, you need to know that you aren't only a celestial spirit Mage but that capable of much more, every magic in existence" my face widened in shock, but i kept listening closely. He further went on to explain that I was his sister and my mother was not actually dead but resting in the 'other' realm, and she was In fact the current queen of all. I took in this new information like a sponge, still wearing a shocked look on my face.

After he had finished explaining, he looked over at my shocked face and laughed quietly. " I need you to come with me to the other realm, in order for you to train to be the next queen of all, are you okay with that sis?" My face changed from a shocked one to a delighted one, "oh I would love to....... Bro!" He laughed at change in attitude and name for him. " ha.. I like the sound of that. Anyway, we should get going, you can't stay out here all night can you?" He stood a stretched his hand towards mine and helped me up. " I guess not, let's go then!" I replied with a smile.

Zeref returned the smile and turned around and muttered underneath his breath, " gate to the other realm, please grant us access and allow us to reach your holy land." Within an instant, a distorted door appeared before us and he stepped in dragging me into the other realm. I guess my new adventure begins here.

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