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Lucy's POV

Heading towards the train station, you could feel Natsu's depressed aura emitting from him from a mile away, it was literally scaring off the birds!

As we reached the train station, I turned around to face Natsu, "God your whining is doing my head in (incase you don't understand that- "god your whining is so annoying") Natsu, here if I cast a spell on you will you shut up already?" I shouted in his face filled with pure rage. he looked up at me with a mixture of fear and joy in his eyes as he nodded furiously. laughing, I waved my hand over him, a small magic circle appeared in my eyes, but as soon as it came it was gone again, "there, now you won't feel motion sickness" I stated, "hey thanks Luce!! I feel better already" he flashed his heart-warming toothy grin at me, and at that moment, I began to fall for him all over again. I forgot how handsome, how protective, kind, strong, childish and funny he is. lost in a trance I didn't realise a strong yet protecting hand gently grab my shoulder and shake me out of my trance, "hey Luce, snap out of it, I got the tickets and if we don't hurry up, we're gonna miss the train!" A certain pink haired man called out to me. "right sorry just zoned out there for a bit, haha". at that moment I realised, I love Natsu.

Natsu's POV

When Luce cast that spell on me, even the thought of transportation didn't phase me like usual. she really is amazing, just another reason to love her even more. "hey thanks Luce!! I feel better already" I said as I flashed my usual toothy grin at her and turned to buy the tickets with our shared money. "excuse me can I have 7 tickets to clover town please" I politely asked the ticket booth guy, he nodded and handed over the tickets once I payed my money, I was gonna head back to the gang to give them their tickets, when I saw Lucy still in the place I left her, zoned out. laughing I made my way over to her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder and shook her slightly, trying not to startle her. "hey Luce, snap out of it, I got the tickets and if we don't hurry up, we're gonna miss the train!" I said which made her snap out of it, "right sorry just zoned out there for a bit, haha" she said as she made her way over to the rest of the group, I followed behind her of course and we all boarded the train. I have to admit, not having motion sickness is the best feeling ever, especially since Wendy's Troya stopped working. oh and if your wondering, she made a group with Romeo ever since they began dating, I think it's called Fiery breath.

It took approximately 5 hours to get to Clover town, we all just sat and talked, amazingly I managed to not have any fights with Gray! That must be a world record C'mon!! After the journey, we jumped off of the train and had to get on a carriage which would take us to the village with no magic before we got off the carriage, Luce and Zeref stopped us and warned us that they would have to cast a spell on us to make our magic have holy and angelic traits to be able to defeat the demon, we all nodded in under standing, "Erza I know you already have your Holy light armour and your he and wheel armour might be effective as well but just incase any serious damage is inflicted to those armours, I will have to enchant your magic itself to make all of your armours have some angelic traits, it will not be able to be removed but you will be able to choose if you want to apply the angelic powers, same goes for all of you. plus this will enhance you abilities, for example Natsu will be able to fuse it with his flames to make Holy flames Just like your lightning flame mode." after her long speech, she grabbed Zerefs hand which made me burn with anger because, we still can't even trust the guy! A light emitted from them and the said:
"Oh angels of heaven,
Grant us a wish.
We will forever put our faith in you.
Bestow your holiness upon these 4 mages and may they be trusted with your divine power, shine!"

After that a quick flash of light appeared and a surge of new power flowed within my veins. I felt stronger. purer. able to protect those who I care for from the worst of demons.

I followed everyone out of the carriage and walked into the village to speak to the police force there as they were the ones who set up the job and pleaded for help. (I know it's usually someone like a mayor but you probably know by now I don't like to go with the normal flow of things so yeah. ON WITH THE STORY!!!)

After a small chat with the police force they told us that the demon is extremely powerful and only comes out at night to capture 1 citizen and then leaves after causing serious damage to the nearby area, sometimes it will even eat some of the nearby villagers! The moon was just about to come up over the horizon and we were stationed in the place in which we thought the demon would appear. a sudden bang startled all of our team and we gathered together in a circle in our battle positions. I still didn't trust that Zeref but I needed to focus on the task at hand and channel my Holy magic. I could feel it flowing throughly veins. opening my eyes to see a 10 foot monster In front of me, I charged at it and landed some hits on it with my Holy flame fist and my Holy flame roar, by now everyone else had joined the fight and had landed several hits on the beast with fatal blows. surely it couldn't still be alive, right?

Wrong! As soon as the for began to clear, we were able to see the 10 foot abomination stood there unphased, not even a single scratch to its fur coated body. everyone's eyes widened and we all gasped in horror. just what was this thing?

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