Training begins

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Still Lucy's POV

As I walked through the portal, a shining light blinded me causing me to quickly close my eyes. However, once I opened them again, I saw the most beautiful, magical looking castle in my entire life. It had a golden tint to it, and could be seen from miles away. "Wow" I gasped. Zeref replied with " yep, amazing isn't it? That's our new home."

Breathtaking paintings and views cascading from the large windows passed by as I made my way to the throne room, so I could meet my mother. I was soooooooo extatic, for all I knew, my mother was dead, but now, I know that she is alive and well in the other realm. Excitement buzzed around me so much that it made Zeref laugh, " I can tell someone's excited!" He mocked me. " well yeah, I thought my mother was dead up until this point, why wouldn't I be" I replied. Moments later, we arrived at the grand, golden doors of the throne room. The guards only had to take a quick glance at me to realise who I was. They opened the doors, and and overwhelming feeling of joy and shock took over me from head to toe,I saw her. My. Mother. She turned around, ran towards me and warmly embraced me while saying, " Lucy, I missed you dear, how are you, are you okay, have your memories returned?" She swarmed me with questions, " yeah mom, I missed you too, I'm fine, and what about my memories?" I asked. She just laughed and said " that's a no then, well I guess I'll have to relieve the spell". Whilst raising her hand, she began chanting some words, I tried to hear her until I felt a throbbing pain through my head. I winced a little but fought through it. After what seemed like months, she was done and all my memories came flooding into my head about Zeref, mom and dad, who wasn't actually Jude but infact Archnologia in his human form, she had sent me away from the other realm in order to protect me when Archnologia became possessed bad began raging through the kingdom.

Suddenly a short wave of dizziness flew over me and I stumbled a little, but my mom caught me and asked " are you alright dear?" "Yeah I'm fine, a brief wave of dizziness just hit me" I stated while standing up straight once more." You should get some rest, I'll send Zeref to get you in the morning so you can meet everyone and begin your training" mom spoke with a concerned tone in her voice. " okay good night mom" I said as brother Zeref showed me to my room.

We came up to another tall door, but this time it was pink. "This is your room, I'll come get you in the morning like mom said, you should get some rest, you have a long day ahead of you." Big brother Zeref said. "Sure, I'll see you tomorrow morning Zeref!" I replied sweetly as I entered my was HUGE, I mean like the size of three of my old apartment bedrooms put together. It had a queen sized bed placed in the middle with a walk in wardrobe, a large white desk and an ensuite. I decided to take a long soak in the bath, before putting on my pyjamas and going to sleep. I guess I should get some sleep so that I can begin my training in the morning. I can't wait to meet everyone!

At the guild

Makarov's POV

I decided not to tell anyone that Lucy left. I wanted to see how long it would take them to realise that she was missing, and who would be first to notice her absence. I sighed as I returned to my paper work that was strewn across my desk.

Wendy's POV

While I was in the guild, I noticed that Lucy was not in her usual seat, I looked around and still couldn't find her. Strange, I thought she is usually here by now. I decided to go up to Mira and ask if she knew anything.

"Hey mira, do you know where Lucy is? I can't see her anywhere." I said calmly. " no actually, I don't, she hasn't come in at all today, plus she left early yesterday after speaking with the master." She stated with a worried tone. I guess she is worried about Lucy too." Wait, why'd she need to speak with master, you don't think...?" I paused and we both looked at each other, then run up the stairs to masters office and knocked on the door loudly until he answered, "come on in my child". We both ran through the door and closed it behind us. We both said in unison " where's Lucy, is she okay? Did she......quit?" We said the last part with a horrified look on our face.the master sighed and said " sit down and I'll explain everything." We took his offer and sat down bracing ourselves for the news he was about to give us.

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