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Yeah yeah, I know that you guys hate interruptions and all but I just wanted to say a huge thanks for over 6,000 views and almost 250 Votes. it might not be much in comparison to the more amazing stories out there, but to me it means a lot. I hope you don't mind but this is gonna be another short chapter, I just have no idea what to do, so if you have any ideas, let meh know in the comments section or post it on my wall saying #ihaveanidea. And obvz you know what's coming next. Xx STAY COOL xX

Lucy's POV

I sighed silently to myself as I began to explain how the man i met in the forest the day I left the guild was infact Zeref and told them that he was my brother. A mixture of confused and shocked faces were aimed at me but soon faded back into emotionless ones as people began to accept it. All except for a certain pink haired man. Natzu. "What the hell Luce? I didn't know he was your brother, he is evil and black-hearted. How can you even trust the guy?" He spoke voice full of confusion. Rage quickly began to fill me as I walked towards Natzu. 'THWACK'(is that what is sounds like?) I slapped Natzu as hard as I could, "how could you even think that I can't even trust my own brother! You don't even know the other half of it, so don't go around assuming things, you got that you asshole!" The anger that once filled me was slowly fading away as I walked slowly back to Zeref, my head down, fringe covering my face. Silence hung over the guild members for what seemed like hours on end. I turned back to face their judging faces and calmly spoke, " at the time in which Zeref was evil, he was being controlled by a demon while practicing his dark magic. It took over his mind and led him to do irrational things that he would never do in his real state of mind. So please. Believe me and trust in him not to hurt you." Once I had finished speaking I turned to face the door and motioned for Zeref to follow me, which he did. Everyone's uncomfortable gaze seemed to follow us as we walked out of the guild hall in echoing silence.

We arrived at my house not too long after, even though we could just teleport, which Zeref suggested, I protested as i figured that we needed to do SOME exercise rather than teleport everywhere, other wise we will get fat and lazy. And that would NOT look good, now would it? any way, back to where we were. I showed Zeref to my room and pulled out my spare mattress, " I'll sleep on the floor, you can sleep on the.............." I stopped as I turned around to find.............A SNORING ZEREF already on my bed asleep. I sighed then giggled softly at him, then quickly got aggravated by the intensity of his snoring. "*SSSSSSSSSSNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEE*" Deciding to ignore him, I sighed and walked over to my desk and began to talk to Araura, who had teleported back home earlier.

Zeref's POV


Natsu's POV (just after the slap)

woah, I didn't know that Luce would actually slap me! I-I just wanted her to be careful with how she trusts, you know. After all this guy is THE worlds most known evil wizard who, I dont know, made a book full of demons! An you know, brought evil and suffering upon this world. But you know just go ahead and trust the guy once he becomes Lucy's supposed brother and was said to have been 'taken over' by one of his demons while practicing his dark magic. "I think I'm gonna head home guys, I'm kinda sleepy" I spoke quietly to my teammates. They nodded at me as I got up from the table we were sat at and headed towards the door and out onto the streets which would guide me to happy and i's house.

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