The plan

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Time skip-1 week later
Erza's POV

We woke up early and made our way to the dark guild known as seryths beasts. we have been here for just over a week now and haven't found anything suspicious coming from these scoundrels. I really hate to be around fools like these, but it has to be done. for the reputation of fairy tail.

A few minutes had passed and we had reached the ominous, untrustworthy doors of the guild. we all walked in and we were rushed on over to a big table that had been placed in the centre of the room. A meeting maybe. I thought to myself. perhaps this will give us the answers we have been looking for.
"Okay is everyone here and listening. good. okay, so as most of you know we have been planning to release a demon soal from the gates of hell, so we can persuade it to join us with the help of me and my demon magic." Bradley, the master of the guild, announced to everyone.'wait what! He means to say that he is planning on opening the gates of HELL and summoning forth a demon soal just so that he can use it for his own selfish reasons. A scoundrel like him shouldn't be allowed to live in this delicate world.' I thought to myself finding it difficult to show no expression of hate and anger on my face. well at least now we know what they were planning to do this whole time, the only thing is, how are we going to stop them. I need to come up with a well thought out plan in order for us to be able to prevail in this murderous battle looming ahead of us. no WE need to work together in order to stop Natsu from running ahead without a plan, and to figure out a plan. this is going to be difficult.

Time skip~~later that day.
Location: Yui's hotel room.

Gray's POV

"Thanks for letting us have a meeting in here Yui." I said with a smile on her direction, "it's cool, I figured it must be important if we couldn't just talk about it in the guild" she replied with a monotone voice. God what is up with her anyway, she seems so familiar yet I've never known anyone to be this emotionless. strange."What did ya call us here for anyway Erza" I continued shaking the previous thoughts out of my head. "well," she began, "its about the guilds plan to open the gates of hell" she stated, causing the atmosphere to suddenly feel serious. everyone stayed silent until Ashforbrains asked "so what's the plan?" Leaving us all I a state of shock, well except Yui that is. "Since when did you ever come up with plans Flamebrain?" I asked still recovering from the shock. There was silence for about a minute until he finally said, "what your always telling me that I can't run headfirst into things, maybe I just took your advice this once" finishing with a cold tone. "whatever you Pyro" I replied. something was fishy around Natsu, and it wasn't just happy's fish. something was definitely wrong.

Natsu's POV. ish

phew I just barely got out of that one, next time I should just keep my mouth shut. anyway I should probably listen on what's going on because I don't want to have to fix my mistake again. or maybe I can use this to my advantage and have a little fun with these fairies. now that sounds fun.

Lissana's POV

Well That certainly wasn't like Natsu at all. I mean I would know , we've been dating for 5 years now. and he just hasn't been the same since that Yui girl joined the guild. Don't get me wrong, she's nice but she is kind of suspicious and strange. I wonder, has she done something to him to make him act this way, does he know her from somewhere? Hmmmm.

A few minutes later

Happy's POV

mmmmmmmmm fish

Erza's POV

"Okay so, I think that we should try to find out a little more on this hell gate subject before deciding on whether to destroy the monster when it has arrived, revealing ourselves to the dark guild, or just defeating seryths beasts before they can even open the gates. maybe we could ask the master about it in private tomorrow. what do you think?" I asked willing to take any other suggestions. " I like what you are thinking Erza, but I think It would be better for only me to talk to the master, as it seems that he does not quite fully trust you just yet, he seems a bit suspicious of you, whereas I seem more of an ally in his eyes. if I were to ask I am sure I could get him to give us the answers we need" Yui spoke up unexpectedly. "indeed it would seem so, okay I agree, very well we shall leave this up to you Yui, for now we should get some rest. I will see you all nice and early in the morning" I replied getting up from the chair I was sat in. Natsu, Gray, Lissana and Happy soon followed and left the room without any further discussion on the matter. now all we have to do is wait for our questions to be answered.

Lucy/Yui's POV

"indeed it would seem so, okay I agree, very well we shall leave this up to you Yui, for now we should get some rest. I will see you all nice and early in the morning" Erza spoke while getting up and heading for the door. the others soon followed and I was left alone in my room once more. I sighed to myself, it seems that Erza, Gray and Happy haven't changed one bit. I could say the same for Natsu if he didn't have that Damn spell on him. which reminds me I need to break the spell soon. I guess I'll have to do it when we get back, I can't exactly do it in the middle of a job now can I?

A/N again.* sheepishly rubs back of neck while smiling* sorry but I just wanted to ask you to comment, telling me what you thought of this chapter. did ya like it? Was it too long? Too short? Anyway thnx for reading it really means a lot aaaaaaannnndddd SATY COOL!!! Xx 😋

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