The gates of hell

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Lucy/Yui's POV
The following day inside the masters office in seryths beasts.

" So Bradley, I was wondering, what's the whole plan for bringing forth the demon anyway? I mean why do you want to summon a monster from Hell. not that I'm complaining" I said while staring into his eyes, casting a small spell on him that forced him to tell the truth. "well you see blondie, we want to take control the demon and use it to wreak havoc on this town, after that we plan to take down all of the guilds that will be participating in the grand magic games in two weeks time." he finished, still in his trance like state from my spell. Shit! I forgot about the grand magic games, oh well I guess I'll figure something out." I see, thanks Bradley." I said as I walked out of his office with my new found knowledge. I guess that the best thing to do is wait with the guild and stay undercover until the day comes to take down that beast. The only thing left to do is wait.

Time skip~~two days before the GMGs

Lucy/Yui's POV

The day had come. we were on our way to a nearby forest that had a large clearing in the centre. This would be where the ritual would take place.

After about 25 minutes of walking, we had all finally reached our destination. Gathering round Bradley, I saw him nod his head at a couple of people in the guild. My mind was to filled with confusion to see what was coming, the 2 members who he had nodded at were at either sides of me, attempting to restrain me. now I did what any sain person would do in this situation. Resist. "What's going on here" I demanded, "oh nothing, just we need a sacrifice for the summoning and you seem to be perfect for the job." he said with a wicked grin. That Bastard, I never thought he would pull this one on me, but I can't give away our identities just yet, so I'll have to go along with it for now I'll find a way out of this soon. I stopped resisting and allowed them to tie me to a pole in the centre of the circle. everyone took a few steps back as Bradley chanted,
Oh wicked Lord of hell
I call to thee,
Accompany us on our journey
With your demonic slaves.
Allow us to borrow one of your minions in order for us to complete our mission, pass through the gate!

Suddenly, a large black ominous gate began to materialise behind me. i stared at it for what seemed like hours. days. Until it began to open and mini black creatures spewing from its every creak as if trying to escape only to be trampled on by a huge skeletal creature stampeding its way on over to me. it lifted its hand as the gates began to close and disappear and touched my head. A bright light, that could be seen for miles, shone through the trees as the creature disappeared. that's when everything started to go black.

Bradley's POV

The skeletal creature that came out of the gates touched blondie's head and disappeared. muhaha yes! My plan has worked, the demon will take over this poor girls body and will wreak havoc upon the several magical guilds. All I have to do now is sit back and watch my plan unfold before me.

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