Getting back Zeref-part 1

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I woke up the next morning, earlier than usual. it must be because I'm worried about my brother. I sigh to myself before hopping out of bed to do my morning routine, and heading out towards the guild hall with Araura.

Once we arrived,I notice all of team Natsu was already there,waiting for me, ready to go. They looked over at me with a hint of sympathy in their eyes, apart form Natsu of course. I decided to walk on over to them so we can hurry up and begin our mission of locating the Demon and rescuing Zeref.

We reached the train station in pure silence, and boarded the one leading to clover town to begin our journey back to where we first met the demon, to see if we could get any trails.

Time skip-brought to you by laziness

Araura lay on my shoulder as she cautiously sniffed the air for any traces, I used my projection magic to project an image of the beast in slow motion as it ran away, it was somewhat inaccurate as I had to take a well thought out guess as to which direction it went in. As we followed it,we took many twists and turns through the woods and eventually came across a large cavern, however it was guarded by two smaller versions of the beast, clearly not as powerful. Natsu, still being the hotheaded numbskull he is (I mean coz he just wouldn't be Natsu without his numb headed ness) ,charged in without thinking and began to attack both of the guards at once. However, combined they were strong, and he couldn't seem to beat them. "Natsu you idiot, you can't just run in without thinking, you idiot" I yelled as I ran to help him with the miniature beasts.

"Fire dragon's roar"

"Star shurikens"
We both launched a large attack at each of the demons knocking them out. I sighed deeply as I glared at Natsu, "you know you can't just rush in without thinking, do you know how badly that could've ended, you Baka!" (Idiot, man Lucy loved to call Natsu an idiot, doesn't she? Anyway back to the story!!) he just at me and said," yeah I know, but I had you here by my side, and that makes me stronger" (yes cheesy I know, your welcome) I felt my face heat up slightly, but I shook my head form those thoughts for the time being as I had a task at hand to think about: saving my brother!

We all headed inside and I caught the scent of the demon. That yarō. I began to walk towards the scent, everyone following behind me. We turned the corner. There he stood. Facing us, ready to fight,my giant smirk plastered across that ugly face of his. We all took our battle positions...
Hey guys, it's me author-chan, I just wanted to apologise for such a short chapter and say thank you for all of the views, comments, votes and support all of you have given me. It really means a lot. By the way holy tawagoto almost 11,000 views, this is kuso amazing, thank you guys so much!! I'm gonna start a thing so if I get 100 views and 10 comments and or votes I will update, sound cool?

And once again,


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