The last dance

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A/N I know it's been like forever since I last updated, I'm sorry I've just been caught up with homework and fencing and stuff. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this next chapter and I am sad to say that this is the last chapter of this story 😭😭... Hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! C u all next year!
Lucy's POV

Slowly, I fluttered my eyelids open and let my eyes adjust to the sunlight flowing into my room, I sat up and looked around my room. How did I get here? I thought to myself, and then everything came rushing back to mum...Zeref...The guild...Natsu. A smile made its way onto my face as I looked at his sleeping form at the foot of my bed. Careful as to not wake him, I crawled towards him and lay down. He was so cute when he slept. I noticed that some of his hair had fallen out of place, so I gently brushed them back in a trance like state, I kept stroking his head, not realising that he had woken up and was staring at me with a small smile on his face. *not in a creepy way of course*. "I see you're awake then, how are you feeling?" A sudden groggy voice startled me. I looked into his eyes and replied,"better, how about you?" He just closed his eyes, smiled and nodded his head. Which I presumed meant that he was good also.

We just sat like that for a while until I broke the silence,"hey Natsu, can we go to the guild please?" He opened his eyes and raised his head. Smiling he spoke," sure Luce, anything for you" suddenly I got really excited as if it were Christmas or something. (Wink wink).

We reached the guild and I burst through the doors, finding that everyone was looking gloomy. I looked around some more and found out why...the guild halls roof had caved in and Zeref was in medical room and Araura was sat by his side,he was injured...because of me.

I decided that I wanted to help, so before anyone noticed my presence, I used my time arc magic to reverse the damages to the guild hall. Everyone saw the movement and suddenly looked my way with smiles on their faces."Lucy!" They all ,just so happened, to shout at once, when I had finished repairing the building,they all rushed over to me and we had a Giant Group hug! Levy, Erza and Gray were fighting to reach me, which wasn't very difficult as the guys let them through but you know.

After a while the group broke apart and smiles we located all across the room, I decided to make my way over to the Medical room to apologize to Zeref and to make sure he recovers. As i walked through the doors, the sound of cheerful laughter and fighting died down and Zeref began to wake up, *what great timing!*

I sat down next to Araura and she quietly snuggled into my lap and softly fell asleep,"Hey bro/sis, how are you feeling?" we both asked in sync, which was very strange...

We both laughed at ourselves and he replied with, "yeah, i'm just finishing healing up now, i can leave but you know me, im just waaaaaaaaaay too lazy to do anything, so i think ill stay here a little longer", this little remark made me howl with laughter, he never usually comes up with strange and witty comments like that, so you can say i was surprised."well you better hurry and get your fat ass outta bed because i aint waiting any longer for you to join the party" after i finished talking i picked up Araura, placed her on my shoulder and ran out of the room, just so that i could emphasize my point.

Behind me i heard chuckles of laughter followed by,"you always find a way to be happy, dont you Lucy?". Smiling, I continued down the stairs and ran toward Natsu and my team who were already celebrating the safety of the guild and its members.

Time skip-brought to you be pure laziness, just like Zeref

The music roared and beat loudly as we all randomly threw our arms and legs in every direction possible in attempts to dance, clearly nobody really knew what they were doing, but everyone was having a great time just enjoying the moment and having fun, partying with friends.

I headed towards the doors to take a breath of fresh air as it was hard work failing at dancing and trying to look cool at the same time. The music could still be heard faintly from under a nearby tree, where I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh, probably slightly polluted air.

Light footsteps drew closer and closer...until they stopped right In front of me. I casually opened one eye to see Natsu towering above me with a little smile on his face, "mind if I join you?" He asked politely, I shook my head and shuffled over a little so that he could sit under the cool shade of the tree too.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until..."Hey Luce,I-I've been thinking,so, well erm..........the thing is...*sigh* I love you Luce, I really do, always have and I always will, to me, you will always be my partner in crime, my Luigi, and,what I'm trying to say is... Will you be my girlfriend?" After that long and complicated question, I hid my smile and stayed silent just to mess with him, I already knew my answer.

"L-Luce,c-c-cmon, you gotta give me and answer here, please, Luce."

Silence followed briefly...

He looked down and let a tear slip, omg I felt so bad.

Before he could say anything else, I stood up and dragged him to his feet so that I could attack him with a giant hug.

"L-Luce,*sniffle sniffle*"

"Natsu, what are you crying for, of course I will, I love you too. I was only messing with you haha !!!"

His face was a picture! Silence fell over us for a second. "WHAT! Luce you can't do that to me, I really thought you didn't like me or something, look I cried and everything" he said pointing to his face.

I couldn't take it anymore... I fell on the floor laughing my head off and soon enough so was he.

We lay there for a while under the tree looking at the falling cherry blossoms before finally facing one another. Slowly.but steadily. We leaned in. And kissed.

We headed back into the guild hall hand in hand, where the music was still playing ,but just as we reached the dance floor, a slow song began to play...

Natsu turned to face me and bowed slightly,"would you care for a dance?", I giggled and replied,"well of course I would, but only if it's with you."

He took my hand and we, not too badly if I do say so myself, danced in time with the music, I stared into his eyes and it was as if the rest of the world didn't even exist anymore,*i know clichè right, well deal with it!*

The song soon faded into nothingness so did our steps, everyone around just so happened to stop dancing and watch us so...yeah, they cheered and stuff.

I looked around and remembered all of the adventures I have had since joining this guild, so many memories have been made and will never be forgotten. This was the perfect ending to a perfect story...


"So that was the story of how I met the guild and all of the amazing journeys we went on together. So after that LONG story, will you finally go to sleep. If you don't I can promise you Nashi that Santa won't come tonight." I warned my beautiful child to get her to go to sleep just a Natsu walked in, "what's this about Santa not coming? What? Awwwww, but I want presents too," he wines childishly,"he will come if we all go to sleep, okay Nashi?", "okay mummy,daddy, goodnight and merry Christmas!" She muttered as she finally fell asleep before christmas morning in the castle of the other realm where we lived as a happy family, together. Forever and always.

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