《 2 》

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Yoongi's POV

Tossing my glasses to the other side of my desk I let out a deep sigh as I run a hand through my hair. Still getting accustomed to my responsibilities as the Head Alpha had become a taxing, suffocating job as I felt constantly confined to the walls of my office. I was thrown into the position after my dad's passing a few years back, constantly being crushed by the burden of trying to live up to my late father's example. With nothing to guide me other than the brief training I had received there are still things I'm trying to get used to. I let out a frustrated sigh when I finally got the chance to glance at the pile of papers and manila folders taking up a fair amount of my desk space. A few of the piles that my mate was supposed to help attend to, which was the other reason it upset me... I hadn't found them yet. It has been four years since my twentieth birthday. I searched all night looking for them with no luck, meaning they don't live in the pack, or at least I hope that's the case. Multiple unmated females and even a few unmated males have tried to come on to me to try to 'please my sexual desires' but I quickly turned down their advances. I was only interested in my mate. I only had eyes for them, whoever and wherever they were. I leaned back in my chair, unable to deal with the never-ending pile of papers anymore. As if on cue, Namjoon walked into the room, holding a large cup of coffee. "Thought you could use this," he said, handing me the cup, before sitting down in one of the brown leather chairs in front of my desk.

"You are a godsend," I said, taking a generous sip of the scolding, bitter beverage, still keeping my focus trained on the paper I had picked up when he came in.

"That's a new one," he snorted, making himself more comfortable in the chair as he kicked his feet up on the identical chair next to it. Finally, putting down the paper, I looked up at my longest friend and right-hand man.

"So, what brings you here, Joon? Because I know you didn't come here just to bring me coffee," I asked, taking another sip. His calm, relaxed expression grew somber at my question.

"Your grandparents are here..." He trailed off, knowing I knew exactly what that meant. The calm atmosphere quickly grew heavy, and my expression went blank.

"Where are they?" I asked coldly.

"They have requested to meet you here; they're waiting in the living room right now and you know how they don't like to be kept waiting." I sighed, trying to clean up my desk a bit, slipping as many papers as I could into my emptier drawers.

"I do know... Very well then, let them in." Namjoon just nodded, leaving the room. "Let's get this over with," I mutter under my breath. A minute later my grandparents entered the room, holding themselves high, an aura of superiority surrounding them. I stood up and bowed as a sign of respect. Despite their old age they still looked quite young other than their graying hair, the wrinkles across my grandfather's forehead from constantly furrowing his eyebrows -a similar problem I have-, and the amount of makeup my grandmother caked on her face added about twenty years to her but other than that they aged pretty well. They sat down on the two chairs in front of my desk, looking around my office, silently judging. "Grandmother, Grandfather," I greeted, sitting back down stiffly, my voice void of emotion. "What brings you here?"

"You know why we're here Yoongi, just give us your report and we'll be on our way," my grandmother answered, her voice sending an icy chill down my spine, holding just a small undertone of snarkiness. They always came by once every few months to see how the pack was doing under my rule, obviously not trusting me enough to do it on my own. They didn't live in the pack anymore, taking their place with all the other pack elders on the council that foresaw over all other packs activities, but they made it their personal mission to check in on me, and it isn't like I could ban them from entering the pack because they're a part of the council.

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