《 19 》

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Stirring from my slumber, as I feel the warm rays of sunshine filtering through the open window, beaming across my face, tickling my skin and covering my room in a warm sheet of light, I scrunch my face in return, slowly sitting up as my comforter pooled at my waist. I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the mid-morning light, wishing I had closed the curtains the night before. I should probably unpack seeing as I guess I live here now, and it'd be better than keeping everything in a pile in the corner of the room or stuffed in my backpack like I previously had been. I made quick work of it, placing my clothes in the dresser across from my bed and the other gifts he got me neatly stacked on the shelf at the top of my closet. I had just gotten dressed when there was a familiar knock at my door. Like clockwork, I quickly opened the door expecting to see the usual two pairs of clothes neatly folded on the floor like they always were. What I didn't expect was to see Yoongi standing there holding two boxes, one about the size of his palm and the other was wooden and a bit bigger than his hand. "Morning Y/N," he said, scratching the back of his head before awkwardly holding the boxes out to me.

"Oh! Good morning, Yoongi," I said, quickly looking up to meet his gaze. He kept the boxes held out with one hand scratching his ear with the other, clearly either shy or nervous.

"I thought I should bring it to you in person this time," he said, not making direct eye contact, a light tinge of color dusting his cheeks.

"Thank you, Yoongi," I said, gently grabbing the boxes and giving him a bright smile. "But you really don't have to keep doing this," I insisted, feeling bad he was going to all this trouble for me, spending all this money on me. Surely, I'm not worth all this.

"But I want to do it, I just hope you like it. Just think of it as your fist official courting gift," he said, giving me a lopsided smile. I gave him a smile in return, opening the wooden box which seemed to be a jewelry box. It was simple yet beautifully crafted with a few simple, white flowers painted onto the cognac-colored wood with a polished finish. There wasn't much storage space in the box, only a drawer at the bottom and a hatch at the top but it was more than enough. Hearing a jingle in the box as I moved it around to examine it, I curiously opened the hatch at the top to find a silver chain necklace with only a simple starburst pendant with a tiny diamond in the middle. I looked up at Yoongi in shock.

"Yoongi, this is beautiful, thank you!" I exclaim, smiling up at the alpha. "Will you help me put it on? I ask, handing him the necklace as I turn around. He makes quick work clasping the necklace before I turn around to face him again.

"I'm glad you like it; I enjoy working with my hands, but I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out."

"You made this yourself?" I asked, pointing at the box, touched by his thoughtfulness.

"Yeah, I like doing carpentry so expect more gifts like this." I smiled, glancing down at the unopened, wrapped box topped with a bow, wondering what else he could give me.

"The next gift isn't really a courting gift, it's more of just something you need but I thought the wrapping would make it nicer," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. Curious about the box's contents, I set the jewelry box down on my dresser before breaking into the wrapping paper. I opened the box to find a key attached to a keychain. I glanced up at Yoongi curiously, silently asking him where the key was to. "It's a key to the house, it occurred to me last night that you'd need a key."

"Thank you, these were all amazing gifts."

"I'm glad you like them." We stood there in silence for a bit, awkwardly rocking on the balls of our feet until Yoongi spoke up.

"Um, so if it's alright with you, I was planning on announcing the fact that you exist to the pack in a couple of days, so you won't run into any hassle if you decide to go out into the village, and I was wondering if you would be there with me unless you aren't comfortable with that, I know the pack can be a lot to take in," Yoongi said nervously.

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