《 7 》

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Yoongi's POV

I had gone back to my office to try and distract myself until she woke up so I could see her, which was growing increasingly hard. I could still smell her scent lingering on my clothes. I was practically drowning in it, but I didn't want to come up for air. It was slowly numbing my senses, preventing me from doing anything properly. My wolf was going insane, not liking how far we were from her. I didn't like it either, but I trusted Eunji and Haru, so I sat there, waiting. Jeongguk was still waiting with me, lazily flipping one of my pens around, not making an effort to converse with me, knowing what effect the mate bond was having on me. Not long after, there was a rushed yet soft knock at the door. "Come in," I mumbled, looking down at one of the papers on my cluttered desk, not being able to focus on reading it. Haru peeked inside before quickly scurrying in, giving Jeongguk a light peck on his cheek before padding around to the other side of my desk.

"She's awake Yoongi-" Before she could say anymore, I shot up, darting past her and out of my office, taking long strides in the direction of the sweetly intoxicating scent that grew stronger with every step. My skin was stinging and aching, desperate for her comforting touch, pulling me further in her direction. Even just looking at her would satisfy me. "Did Eunji already warn you?" Haru asked when she caught up, sounding slightly out of breath as she tried to keep up with my fast pace.

"Yeah, she did, don't worry Haru," I answered briefly, my gaze trained in the direction I was going, feeling myself grow more anxious by the second. Finally reaching the office, I excitedly reached out for the door handle, but Haru stepped in front of me, lightly pressing her hands against my chest as a signal to stop. I scowled at her, not pleased by her actions. She lowered her head slightly in submission, but still stood her ground.

"Just wait for a second, Yoongi," she said quietly but firmly, turning around before going through the door. "He's here," Haru said to my mate inside the room before signaling for me to come in. I slowly stepped into the room with Jeongguk right behind me, nervously rubbing the back of my neck as my stomach erupted in a flurry of butterflies. Turning my gaze up from the floor, my eyes immediately gravitated toward a small figure sitting quietly on the bed. I took a second to go over her features. She was absolutely breathtaking. She had long, choppy, wavy brown hair that stopped at her mid back. It looked choppy, almost as if she had cut it herself. I was then drawn to her eyes. Her beautiful chocolate brown doe eyes, accentuated by long eyelashes. I trailed further down her face, landing on her cute button nose, and pink, slightly plump lips with her bottom lip being fuller than her top. Eunji wasn't wrong about her being skinny. I just didn't imagine this. I couldn't see what she looked like under my sweatshirt but the sweatshirt that was just slightly bigger on me practically swallowed her, almost drowning her in the fabric, though I guess that makes sense since it looks like I'm over a foot taller than her. Her cheeks were sunken in, making her cheekbones extremely prominent. She had dark circles under her eyes and obvious bags due to exhaustion. The sight made me clench my fists in frustration, and my stomach churn sickeningly. I was pulled out of my trance when a small whimper escaped her chapped lips, causing me to instinctually snap my head up to meet her gaze. Her eyes glossed over, and her shoulders curled in slightly, making her appear smaller than she was, and the sight caused my heart to ache.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as softly as I could, stepping closer in an attempt to comfort her. She flinched away from me, her eyes darting around the room, looking anywhere but me, making me confused. Why won't she look at me? I reached out again to cup her cheek, but she jumped off the bed to put it between us, cowering as far into the wall as she could, beginning to hyperventilate as her breathing grew shallow and rapid. It was easy to see she was having a panic attack after having suffered countless of my own. She reacted like I was going to hit her...

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