《 11 》

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I didn't sleep long; the bed was too soft, having slept on the ground a good portion of my life. It felt like the bed would swallow me whole. I sat up, stretching my back, my joints popping as I did so. Then, I just sat there. I didn't know what to do, I never had time to myself, and I wasn't sure what the terms of me staying here were. I sat there for I don't know how long, but there was a knock at my door. I flinched as the sound echoed through the previously silent room. I carefully climbed off the bed, cautiously looking at the door. "It's me, Haru." I sighed in relief before opening the door. Sure enough, Haru was standing there alone with a tray of food and a bag of stuff in her hands. She walked past me, setting the tray on one of the end tables. "So how are you doing? Settling in well?" She asked, turning back to look at me.

"Fine, I guess," I answered in more of a mumble, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. She gave me a soft smile in response, sitting on the bed patting the spot beside her. I slowly sat next to her, keeping a fair amount of distance between us.

"So Y/N, would you mind if I ate with you?" She asked softly, leaning in a bit. "I figure it can be pretty nerve racking being in an unfamiliar house surrounded by a bunch of strangers, and it can't be fun being cooped up in a room with nothing to do. I'd get pretty lonely if I were you so I figured I'd offer you some company." I shook my head lightly, letting her know it was okay, thankful for her kindness. "Great, just let me grab my plate and I'll be right back," she said, clapping her hands together before pushing herself off the bed. Before she got very far, she spun around, handing me the bag in her right hand. "I got you some things I thought you may need and there's also some coconut butter in there to put on your... scars. They should help get rid of them or at least help fade them slightly. It isn't the best, but it should do for now, I'll have something made up by tomorrow. You see I specialize in herbalism and well obviously your arrival was a bit of a surprise so I didn't have time to mix something up and we didn't have anything already on hand," she said as she left the room before I could thank her. She left the door open halfway, allowing me to see into the hallway. While I waited for Haru to come back, I played with the spoon that was lying on the tray. A few minutes later, an Alpha's scent found its way to my nose. My head shot up to the door as the scent grew stronger the closer, they got. As they were walking past my room, his eyes met mine and he froze in his spot. It was the man from earlier. The one with the cat-like eyes. I felt frozen. He was intimidating, to say the least. He was tall with ebony hair that hung over his forehead. His face had sharp features complimenting his intimidating aura such as his sharp, lazy cat like eyes and his jawline. Oddly though there was also a softness to his contradicting that aura. His chocolate eyes while having a sharpness to them were soft as he stared at me. He had a button nose and slightly round cheeks. His lips were a light pink and looked soft. My gaze trailed down to his body. He was clearly well built, sporting broad shoulders, a broad chest and obvious muscles without being too buff. His arms and hands were veiny, and his fingers were long and slender, as opposed to my shorter ones. His skin was fair, which made the veins in his arms pop out more. All in all, he was extremely attractive, but the fact that he was an Alpha still bothered me. I met his eyes once again, only to be met with a gaze I couldn't recognize. I was expecting to see a look of lust or rage which has become the gaze I've come to associate with Alphas, but it wasn't anywhere close to that. His eyes held what I could only describe as excitement with an undertone of sadness which I don't understand because those two emotions shouldn't normally go together, let alone be directed towards me. Deep down I found myself wanting to uncover that sadness hidden behind the overpowering emotions. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards slightly before he turned away and left. I sat there, dumbfounded, unsure of what just happened. His presence scared me though, and that's all I cared about, no matter how attractive he was or how curious he made me. By the time Haru came back I was still in the same dumbfounded state, my mouth hung open slightly and my gaze locked on the door. " Hey, I hope I didn't take too long - wait, what happened?" She asked, setting the tray she had down, rushing over to me once she saw the state I was in.

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