《 17 》

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Two weeks had passed by in the blink of an eye and I had grown closer to everyone in the house, even the Alphas. I wasn't as awkward or shy anymore, minus the occasional stutter, and I didn't spend the majority of my time in my room anymore. I'm definitely a homebody and I still liked my time alone but having company and people I could consider my friends for once was great. I was still getting the anonymous gifts every morning and I was doubting that Haru or Eunji were leaving them. It made no sense why they wouldn't just give me the gifts firsthand, and they've never given any sort of hinting glances when I wore the clothes that I was gifted. I couldn't figure out who it really was though because no matter how fast I was to open the door, I could never make it in time to catch them, and I couldn't use their scent to figure out who it was because the house wreaked of everyone's scent. I had started sleeping in my bed, beginning to enjoy the feeling of a soft mattress under me, and my appetite had grown significantly, but I was still quite a light eater. I woke up around 8:00, slowly pulling myself from beneath my silken, fluffy sheets. I maneuvered myself to the kitchen with my eyes barely open, sitting myself down on one of the stools. Seokjin and Eunji had already begun cooking breakfast when I came down, having woken up bright and early as always. "Good morning, Ji, morning Jin," I said tiredly, laying my head down on the cool granite island countertop, closing my eyes again.

"Morning Y/N," Eunji said, keeping her attention on the pan in front of her as Seokjin gave me a nod of acknowledgement. I could feel sleep within my grasp as my eyes drooped closed when Taehyung and Hoseok burst into the kitchen laughing their asses off. I shot up from the counter, surprised by the noise, all fatigue I was feeling vanishing.

"Good morning Hyung, morning Ji," they both said in unison, not noticing I was there yet.

"Guys~, I was trying to sleep," I whined, glaring at the two laughing idiots.

"Sorry Y/N, but you aren't going to get much sleep down here," Hoseok said, patting my shoulder in a jokingly apologetic manner. Taehyung went to lay out placemats and Hoseok went to grab plates and utensils.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked, feeling bad I wasn't doing anything to help.

"Can you cook?" Seokjin asked, turning around to face me.

"Not really," I pouted looking down.

"Well, we don't want another Namjoon incident so you can just sit there, maybe try and fall asleep again," Seokjin said, turning to one of the other pans.

"But I won't be able to sleep now that these two idiots are here," I complained, pointing in their general direction. It was easy to see my confidence had grown within a few weeks, and it was easy to talk with most of them without feeling intimidated, especially with Hoseok who's a lower ranked alpha.

"You're so mean Y/N," Taehyung pouted, acting hurt. I just shook my head laughing lightly, mostly used to his antics by now.

"Hoseok, Taehyung could you two be any louder," a familiar deep, raspy voice grumbled from across the room, sending shivers down my spine. I looked over my shoulder to see the rest of the residents of the house walking over but it seems the voice came from Yoongi who looked rather tired and annoyed at the ruckus. His hair was disheveled, and his shirt hung loosely off his frame, exposing part of his collarbone. I quickly turned back around, feeling my face heat up. I really don't understand why he had such an effect on me, so different from the other Alphas, especially when I've talked to him less than I have anyone else in the house. I felt this slight pull and I feel like I easily opened up to him the few times I talked to him. Even though he still makes me feel odd in a way I can't explain, almost like I'm sick or that there's something in my stomach fluttering, my wolf always seems to want to be around him. Whenever I ask though, she can't seem to give me a direct answer. Yoongi sat one stool away from me as a large mug of coffee was placed in front of him by Seokjin. "Hey Y/N-ah, if you still want to help out could you grab the utensils and cups, please?" Seokjin asked, handing out plates. I quickly nodded, hopping off the stool. I quickly distributed the utensils before going to grab the cups but found that I was too short to reach most of them. I debated hopping up on the counter or grabbing one of the chairs when I felt a presence behind me.

"Need some help there?" Yoongi asked from behind me with an amused smile.

"Please?" I asked, stepping to the side so he could get to the cups. Once he set them on the counter, he turned back to me. "Thank you, Yoongi." He smiled at me before ruffling my hair, his hand lingering on my head for a few seconds. His touch left an almost tingling sensation.

"Anytime Y/N." And with that he walked back to his seat, leaving me in a daze. Over the next couple of weeks or so, we had similar interactions like this where he would make me feel something I didn't understand. I felt like I was developing feelings for him, but I quickly pushed those thoughts away, not wanting to let myself fall for someone that I wasn't going to know for a long time, let alone an Alpha. Before I knew it, it was the day before my birthday, and I was already dreading it. Eunji said tonight would be my pre-birthday dinner as well as a goodbye dinner because they said I could leave on my official birthday. All my injuries had healed long ago, and I was only slightly underweight now, so I was more than ready to take off. I told her she really didn't have to do anything special, but she insisted, even making some of my favorite foods. After dinner, I lingered around for as long as I could, wanting to bask in the warmth of the people I had grown close to through my time here, but I knew I had to pack so I could leave early tomorrow, trying to ignore the growing pain in my chest. I was heading upstairs when Yoongi called out to me.

"Y/N, wait," he rushed, jumping up from the couch. I flinched at the sudden outburst, turning around to face him.

"Y-yes Yoongi?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. He looks nervous. He stood there for a minute, opening and closing his mouth like a fish, debating on what to say.

"Ah, never mind, it isn't important. Happy early birthday," he said with a small smile. I gave him a smile in return, curious about what he wanted to tell me.

"Thanks, Yoongi." I went up to my room to begin packing as many clothes as I could in the bag I had. I was focusing on bringing the thicker clothes, folding them neatly so I could fit more in the bag. A few minutes or so had passed, I had neatly piled up all the other gifts I had been given by the door, also folding up all the blankets from my nest and setting them on top of the bed, setting the pillows next to them, and my bag was practically bursting at the seams. Then this earthy scent filled my nose and overpowered all my other senses. It was familiar but I was having a bit of trouble putting a face to the scent. Pine and rainwater with an undertone of coffee. The combination was calming to me, relaxing my nerves instantly. It smelled like home, but why is it so strong? My omega was buzzing within me, clearly excited about whatever was happening but couldn't find the words to tell me. Almost like I was in a trance, I grabbed my bag, walking out of the room, following the scent. I walked down the stairs into the living room to be met with the rest of the group, but only one of them stood out to me, the owner of the scent. Yoongi.

*Y/N, he's, our mate. * My Omega said finally, her voice dripping with excitement. *Our mate...* All their eyes turned to me, and they all seemed to know exactly what was going on. I cautiously walked further into the living room as Yoongi stood up. He shoved his hands in his pockets, walking towards me.

"Y/N..." Yoongi said, looking down at me adoringly, a lopsided smile on his face. Wait, he's, my mate? A Trueblood Alpha is my mate? The Head Alpha of one of the biggest and most feared packs around is my mate? I didn't know what to do, so many emotions and scenarios were running around my head. It was all so overwhelming the only thing I could think of doing was what I knew best. Running. Every fiber of my being told me to go to him, to run into his arms and never leave, but I resisted.

"I- I'm sorry, I-I can't, I-," Is all I was able to choke out before I bolted for the front door, not seeing the look of heartbreak on Yoongi's face.

I'm back!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the changes I made to the earlier chapters. Please leave a vote and a comment and have a wonderful day.

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