《 16 》

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Yoongi's POV

Y/N had started branching out to everyone again which I was thankful for, though I just stayed back and watched from a distance as it seemed she was still nervous around me, especially after our last interaction and I didn't want to push her to be around me. As I observed her, I noticed a few peculiar mannerisms she had. She never sat down if an Alpha was in the room or close to where she wanted to sit unless she was asked to or led to sit down. She also often wouldn't speak to the other Alpha's and some of the Betas unless we spoke to her first, and if she did ever speak up when we hadn't spoken to her it looked like she silently chastised herself for it or expected something bad to happen because she would curl in on herself a bit, hunching her shoulders and squeezing her eyes shut briefly as if expecting to be yelled at or hit. I couldn't help but think back on what Eunji and Haru had mentioned a while back in one of our meetings about how Y/N's old pack was filled with traditional Alpha's and her assumption that she had been abused. Was she taught to keep her mouth shut unless spoken to in front of Alphas and to wait on our word? I just hope she learns that she doesn't need to think that way and that she's seen as an equal no matter what her dynamic is.


The house was dead silent for a change with nearly everyone having business outside the house. Rather than seeking solitude in my room, I decided to wander around the house, seeing how I had been here for a while now and had only seen a small portion of it. Most of the rooms seemed decorated but hardly used. I stayed away from everyone's rooms, wanting to respect their privacy, and I just avoided the third floor all together, knowing that was Yoongi's area of the house and how much he seemed to like his privacy. I was back on the first floor, absentmindedly peering into rooms. I had seen so many empty rooms I didn't even think twice to open the door, but instead of an empty room, I was met with Jeongguk turning curiously to peer at the now open door while putting something on a shelf. This must be his office. "Oh! Hi Y/N-ssi. Do you need something?" He asked kindly, not fazed by my accidental intrusion, going to sit behind his desk. I felt frozen in place, trying to decide if it'd be in my best interest to run away or quickly apologize and walk away as calmly as I can. This was my first time being alone with one of the Alphas and I didn't know what to do.

"U-um n-no, sorry I was j-just looking around and I-I didn't know anyone was in here. I'm sorry, I-I'll j-just go," I stammered, keeping my gaze trained on the hard-wood floor. I went to close the door, backing out of the room when he called out to me, abruptly standing up from his desk, causing me to flinch back.

"Wait! Before you go, I never got the chance to thank you for being there for Haru when Jieun last came here. So, thank you," he said wholeheartedly. I was not expecting that. Opening the door further as I cautiously peered at him to meet his soft bunny-like smile. Not threatening or scary at all.

"Y-you wanted to thank me?" I asked, trying to rack my brain for any reason he'd have to thank me, ultimately coming up with nothing. What I did for Haru was basic kindness, nothing to be thanked for. His gaze softened as he went to walk around his desk but stopped when he saw how tense I became the closer he got.

"Yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't like Haru to be alone if Jieun comes by because she can get in her head and overthink things. Jieun really did a number on her and even though it's been a couple of years since Jieun has said or done anything of significant damage, Jieun is still able to get in her head and it takes a bit to undo the damage, especially if she was alone. So, thank you, this was probably one of the fastest times I've ever seen her bounce back from one of Jieun's unwanted visits," Jeongguk explained, and I felt myself relax a little while simultaneously feeling my heart break for Haru. He really seemed like a good guy, and it wasn't just an act, he really cares about Haru.

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