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Over the next few weeks, I spent more time with Yoongi, giving us time to get more accustomed to each other and it was honestly amazing. It was a lot of trial and error at first as we navigated each other's lives and even though we still run into a bump every once and a while, I think we've found her rhythm. I had remained quite closed off at first even if our first date went so well, but he had proven over and over again that my assumptions on how my mate would treat me, and how Alphas act in general were completely wrong.

I still slept in the extra room, and we weren't the most intimate yet, especially if you compared us to the other couples in the house. We were still limited to hugging, hand-holding, and occasionally kisses on the forehead, but the last one was always from him. I kind of felt guilty because I saw how he longingly looked at the other couples when they held each other or kissed, yet he never complained. He continued with the courting gifts, randomly giving me these little gifts, like jewelry, other accessories, or more books or art supplies, with a handmade gift thrown in there every once in a while, but I eventually told him he had to tone it down with the gifts because I didn't need nor want multiple handbags or other material items. He seemed surprisingly pleased by that. He had also taken to scenting my wrists, just so I would have his scent on me. I could definitely feel myself growing increasingly attached to him. He was constantly on my mind, and I've grown attached to his scent. His scent that always seems to bring me another level of comfort.

On another note, I had been relearning how to cook thanks to Seokjin and Eunji, and she and Haru were teaching me the basics of healing so I wouldn't be sitting around all day, even though I was perfectly content to just read.

I had gone through almost every inch of the house which was saying something because this house was ginormous, I've honestly gotten lost a few times. I've searched it top to bottom, going through the wide expanse of the whole house, slowly getting myself acquainted with it. I found my favorite place has to be the back deck. Because the house was on top of a hill, we had a decent glimpse of the city a few miles below as well as the forest surrounding it, there was always a nice breeze, and the wicker chairs and porch swing resting on the deck were comfortable, making it a nice spot to read.


"Could you go grab Haru and Yoongi for lunch? They should be in their offices." Seokjin asked, walking around the counter setting the plates down on the other side. I smiled back at him nodding.

"Sure thing," I said, wiping my hands on one of the dish towels before discarding my apron. I walked down the hall looking for Haru in her office first. I walked into Haru's office only to see her with a patient. I quickly stepped out of the room, waiting till the patient left before walking over to Haru. "If you aren't too busy, lunch is ready," I said simply.

"Tell Jin I'll be down in a few minutes," she said, turning back to a stack of papers she had on her desk. I nodded before making my way out of the room. I made my way up the two flights of stairs to find Yoongi's office. This was the one part of the house I hadn't looked at other than a passing glance at the stairs leading up to the floor. Even though he said his door was open, I didn't want to distract him from his work when it seems to stress him out so much already, so it was the one part of the house I had yet to see. Stopping in front of the door where his scent was strongest, I hesitated for a second before knocking lightly.

"Come in," I heard Yoongi say with a sigh, sounding a little annoyed. I slowly walked in the room, trying not to set off his mood more than it was. He was slouched over his desk, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he signed and read over papers. He must have been too enthralled in his work to notice I was here.

"Yoongi," I called out softly, clearing my throat, trying to get his attention. His head shot up, his expression quickly lighting up.

"Hey, Angel, what are you doing here? Do you need something?" He asked, gesturing for me to step further into the room, a soft smile resting on his face. I smiled back at him, relieved he didn't seem annoyed, blushing slightly, still trying to get used to Yoongi experimenting with nicknames, this one seemed to be a favorite. I walked in, perching myself on the arm of the leather couch against the wall across from his desk.

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