《 9 》

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Haru continued to sit with me after Eunji left. She made no effort to talk to me, despite her obvious urge to do so. I didn't mind the silence though; it gave me time to properly gather my thoughts, something I haven't been able to do in a long time. Although after the silence became too loud, the air became heavy, and I was starting to panic. To get my mind off it, I tried talking to Haru. "S-so Haru-ssi... w-why sit here with me when you c-could be doing something with your friends or your mate?" I asked, trying to make some sort of conversation to distract me, but I still couldn't help but stammer.

"Would you believe me if I said I wanted to stay with you?" Haru asked, turning her head to meet my side gaze, giving me a small smile to help calm my nerves.

"N-no, not really," I replied without much hesitation. She chuckled lightly, her light, airy laughter resonating through the room.

"You're not entirely wrong. I do wish I could be with my mate right now but he's in a meeting and my other friends are out right now. I thought since I couldn't be with them, I might as well stay here with you," she spoke honestly, flashing me a bright smile. I gave her a small smile in return, appreciating her honesty.

"Thank you Haru-ssi," I said, turning my gaze to fully look at her.

"Just Haru."

"W-what?" I questioned, looking back in her direction.

"Just call me Haru. No need to be so formal," she stated, a softer smile resting on her lips. We continued having little conversations here and there, keeping them light and simple subjects. She was easy to talk to and had a warm, trustable aura about her (probably from her time as a healer), allowing me to feel at ease for the first time in a while. Eunji entered the room, plopping down on the bed in front of Haru and me.

"How about we show you to your room Y/N?" She asked, holding her hand out to help me up.

"I'm not staying here?" I questioned as she pulled me off the floor, not expecting to be so comfortable while I stayed here. I mean either way I'd feel comfortable because sleeping on any bed is better than sleeping on the ground.

"Well, we may need this room for other patients, and you'd probably feel more comfortable in an actual bedroom," Eunji answered, guiding me out of the office and down the hallway.

"But I feel like this is a bit too much. I really don't deserve this treatment," I said, slightly winded from the fast pace we were moving, cautiously and quickly scanning my surroundings for any present danger. Haru glanced at Eunji with a puzzled expression, seemingly communicating with their eyes. When their nonverbal conversation ended, Haru answered my question.

"We want you to be comfortable," she stated plainly, before pulling me in front of a thick oak door. "This is where you'll be staying for the time being," she said, pushing the door open. Her voice sounded suggestive when she said 'for the time being' but I just brushed it off, slowly stepping into the room, trying to take it all in as I stared at it in awe. The room was twice the size of the one I had as a kid, maybe even bigger. It was lightly decorated with a queen-size bed that had a white wooden frame laying in the middle of the far wall with end tables on each side with gold legs and an off-white top, and a white bedroom bench sitting in front of the bed. Floral pictures and a mirror or two lay carefully placed on the white walls. On the leftmost wall there was a bay window with a padded bench, and to the right of it was a corner bookshelf with another one on the other side of the window. Further down the wall were a set of glass double doors covered by white semi-see-through curtains leading to a small balcony. Placed along the opposite wall was a white vanity with a mirror and a matching cushioned chair in front of it. In the right corner of the room, there was an opening that led to the ensuite bathroom and closet, and on the bed was the bag that my mom gave me. I rushed over to the bag, making sure everything was still inside, before hugging it close to my chest. It wasn't much, most of the things that my mom had originally packed in it, such as clothes and food, were long gone, but it did have pictures of my parents wrapped in linen, this old stuffed rabbit, and a family locket with their pictures in it, just so I could always have a piece of them with me. They were the few things I allowed myself to have out there that weren't a necessity, not having the heart to get rid of it. I was in my own world until Eunji cleared her throat, pulling me out of my momentary trance.

"It was beside you when we found you. I hope everything is still in there. We'll give you a chance to make yourself comfortable and we'll call you when dinner is ready. We'll also bring up a different sweatshirt so we can wash the other one," she said, prompting me to look down at the now dried blood stain on the faded sweatshirt. They were about to leave the room when I called out to them.

"C-could you bring dinner up here, p-please? I-I'd rather just stay here. Also, out of curiosity, w-what pack is this?" I asked, playing with the hem of the sweatshirt, hoping I wouldn't have to interact with anyone new or come face to face with those Alphas again.

"Of course, we'll knock when we have your food, and you're in the Blood Moon pack," Eunji said, closing my door silently behind her. I stood there in shock. Was I really in the Blood Moon pack!? They're one of if not the biggest pack around. I had heard about them when I was a kid. We even heard things about them in rogue territory from time to time. They're a fearsome pack with an equally fierce leader and I really need to make sure I don't overstep my boundaries or who knows what'll happen. I walked around the room, taking in every tiny detail from the lighting fixtures down to the soft, almost unfamiliar feeling of the carpet underneath my feet. I caught my reflection in one of the mirrors, making me feel sick. I didn't realize how bad I really looked until I could get a good look at myself. I knew not much was going to change in my weight during my time here. I won't be here long enough to make much of a difference, but I looked gross. My hair was tangled and matted with dirt, and my skin had blotches of dirt, which were extremely visible on my slightly sun-kissed skin. I stepped into the fully furnished bathroom, determined to feel clean. I stripped out of the clothes they had and stepped into the shower, moving to the handle under the faucet. I pulled on it, exerting as much strength as I could, which wasn't much. The little strength I had almost failed me when a rush of cold water came spewing from the faucet. I immediately jumped back when the water made contact with my skin, rubbing my arms to create some sort of warmth. I hesitantly stuck my hand back under the water. Luckily, it was warmer this time. I stepped fully under the faucet, letting out a sigh of satisfaction at the relaxing feeling. I grabbed a bottle of shampoo that was already in the shower -taking the risk in assuming I could use everything in the room-, rubbing it in my mud-caked hair, smoothing out most of the tangles. The amount of dirt that I washed out of my hair was unappealing, but I was relieved my hair was finally clean now. When it came to washing my body, I tried my best not to look down, not wanting to see the countless marks etched on my skin or the poor state my body was in. I stepped out of the shower, quickly scurrying to grab a towel, almost slipping on the white marble floor in the process. Once I was fully clothed, back in the sweatpants they had given me, along with the new sweatshirt they must have set on the bed while I was in the shower, I brushed my teeth and hair, making me feel all the more clean. After locking the door, I snuggled myself into the bed, under the warm cream-colored covers, not having the energy to do much else. Finally, being truly clean, laying in a bed, wearing clothes that weren't torn in some way made me almost feel like a part of society, a part of something again. I slowly feel myself sinking deeper into the mattress, slowly drifting off to sleep as my eyes drooped closed, not being able to fight my fatigue any longer. 

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