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Hloo my buddies. Here i am starting my new fanfics 1st chapter. Guys pls say how is my edit. The video on top. Pls subscribe my channel if u like it. So without wasting time lets start..

It was a very big house painted in white. It was morning and everyone was getting ready to go to work.

Vibha:Sid and abhi come down breakfast is ready.
Sid and abhi said coming from there room. Within 5min they reached down getting ready.

Abhi:Gdmg mom, Gdmg sid

Sid:Gdmgmom and dada

Vibha:U both have ur breakfast ok.

Both:yes mom

They had their breakfast and went to there office.

On the other side,

One girl with a simple dress was sleeping on a small old couch.She was sleeping peacefully.Her alarm started to ring.
She stopped alarm and woke up, then she had some stretches then she went to get ready within sometime she got ready and stood infront of a old mirror. Hmm i am ready. I am looking so cute.Ok avu now u are ready to prepare todays plan.

(So now u all know that girl our one and only avu)

Avus pov:I have to plan how to earn money today.I have to rent a small room to live but i don't have money. I am only having 3pairs of good dress.Others are old which i wear when i am here.Look at this room its a very old building with broken window and a old couch.When it rain water enters this room and i have to use an umbrella so that i can stay like this. I want money but i am enough of robbery. I don't like robbery. But if i want money to live i have to.So let me check the map.
Pov ends

Avu:Mm so my map is here let me just check where shall i robber today.
She found that there is a big house at the next city.
Avu:ok so i will robber here.
Skip to evening

Sid was planning something.

He called abhi.
In phone

Sid:Hloo dada

Abhi:Hloo sid what happened?

Sid:dada i will be late today ok.

Abhi:whose ur prey today?

Sid:Mr narayan mehra

Abhi:ok bro u must finish him

Sid:i know.

He cutted phone. His eyes was filled with anger.

Sid sent some people to kidnap mr narayan.

Mr narayan was kidnapped and he was now in a godown which was dark.

On avus side
She wore her dress which she always were for robbery

She was crossing the road when some boys who were drunk rounded her. One of then was going to touch when she slapped hard on his face. They became angry. Avu escaped from there and ran into a  godown. She looked around and found it very weird. She was walking when someone caught her and closed her eyes with a cloth. She was going to hit that person when he placed gun over her head. She kept silence and that guy made her reach where sid was.

Now sid was near ms narayan.

Sid:Do u remember this face?

Mrn:(in a scared voice )n.. no.. no i..  d.. do.. nt.. kn.. ow.

Sid:I am same 8 year old boy whose father was killed by u. Remember?

N:u.. u.. are mr rakesh nigams son..

Sid:yes. I am sidharth nigam got it.

N:yes. Pls leave me now.

Sid:u killed my dad infront of me, my mother and dada. U will be killed by my hands.

On avus side
She was standing with her eyes closed by a cloth. A big man was standing near her. Her cloth got loose and when she opened her eyes and was shocked. 

Sids side
Sid took his gun and holded towards narayan and shooted. Mr narayan is dead now. Avu was shocked. She saw sid when he turned.
Avus pov:Did he killed that uncle? Omg they are mafia
I have to escape.
Pov ends
Avus hands were tied back she tried to escape and  got her hand free. When she was gonna run. Sids people caught her. Avu closed her eyes and took a perfume from her bag and sprayed it on them. It was a mixture of chilli and water. Everyone started crying. Avu was gonna run.
Sid was seeing all this and reached near avu. Avu was gonna run when sid held on her wrist and pulled her towards him and made her perfume bottle fall down. Avu was hella scared now. She tried her best to escape but he was so strong. She was covering her face with a black cloth. She was trying to loosen his grip when sid took a cloth and poured chloroform and wrapped it on avus face by removing her cloth on face. She tried to take his hand away. But she was not able to. Slowly her power was gone she became unconscious and sid caught her in his hands.
What will happen next?
Like my chapter.

This was the outfit wored by avu ok

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This was the outfit wored by avu ok.
Now u all  an imagine how she looked.

Ok so bye.
By chinnu

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