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Guys in this chapter i will add that scene u have read as the chapter title. 😉😉

Sid sat near avu and caressed her head.
Sid:u look so cute my wifie.
sid was just admiring her beauty.
He came close to avu and was looking her so close then avu woke up.
Avu:I know its a dream. But sid u look a prince.
Sids hot breath him avus neck.
Avu:ya really.i wish this dream come true.
Sid:avu can i call u like that.
Sid smiled.
Avu:u look so hot and cute when u smile.
Sid:avu do u love me?
Avu:its a dream so i will say the truth.i love u so much.

Sid smiled.
Avu:ur smike always makes me weak.sid can kiss u.
Did was really lost in avu.
Sid :yes my wifee.
Then avu placed her lips on his and kissed. Sid kissed back.That was a slow and passionate kiss.
After some sec avu fell asleep in that position and sid made her lay on the bed.

He came back to his sense.
Sid:Wait i just kissed her.
Really it was my first kiss.
Means i am really falling for her.
And he looked avu and went out.
Avu woke up after 4hr.

Avu yawned and smiled.

Avu:i kissed him and he also kissed me back it feels real but it was a dream.

And she got fresh.

It was night and avu didn't had her food.

Sid came to their room with some food in plate.
He sat on the bed.
Avu was amazed because it was the first time he is bringing food. She though its for her.

Sid sat on the bed and started watching tv and started eating the food.

Avu was looking him.
Avu:how rude!i am hungry and u are eating everything by urself and i though u brought it for me.Haa i am a fool.U only loves ritika na.
Sid looked her.
And extended his food to her.
Sid:here eat and saying this he left.

Heyya guys how was the chappy. I know u all loved it.Comment do u want more scenes of sidneeet like this.

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