Your son

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Vaishu:Do you know what the truth is sid?

Sid:What is the truth?

Vaishu:I am so sorry avu but now i have to say.

Avu:Di plss.

Vai:look sid the truth is aarav is ur son.

Sid:What?  In amazement and shocked tone.

Vai:Yes its ur son.Your blood, your and avneets son.

And sids eyes were filled with tears now.

And avu was crying badly.
Abhi was consoling avu.

Vai:Wait here

And vaishu went to her room and brought avus pregnancy report which she hid from sid.

Vaishu handed the reports to sid

Vai:Look sid avus pregnancy report.

She wanted to give you a surprise so she only told this to me.And after all this happened. But she asked me to hide this from u.and now the truth is this that she is not the one who played with ur feelings. Its you sid who hurted her.In every husband wife relationship believing each other is a main factor.And now today sid you broke ur limits.

Sid was so shocked and he looked at avu who was crying.

Sid was shattering

Avu stood up.

Avu:Di ma bhaiya i need to go back.

And avu was going to leave when sid held her hand.
Avu looked at sid whose eyes were filled with guilty and sadness.

Avu jerked his hands and went to her room and sid ran to his room and shut the door.

Sid started throwing everything here and there.
He punched on his reflection in mirror. And his knuckles started bleeding.

He was so angry on himself.
Sid:I am a bad guy. I didn't believed my wife who is a pure soul. She always gave me happiness and what did i gave pain. Only fucking pain. I am so sorry avu. I even called you whatever you didn't deserve.I am not even a good dad. And i am the worst husband ever. I was not there for avu when she really needed me.
He cried.
After an hour he washed his face and wrapped a handkerchief on the wound and he grabbed his cars key and went to somewhere.
While avu was crying.
She had no words to say.
She went to pack her dress and she packed everything.
Avu went to aarav.
Avu:Aarav we have to go back today.
Aa:But why ma?
Avu:No questions just do what i say.
And she dragged aarav with her.
And they reached on the living room and everyone except sidritzs was present their.
Abhi:Avu we will not allow you to go.
Avu:Sorry bhaiya i want to go.
Vai:No no no
Va:Ha avu pls don't go.
Sm1:You will not go anywhere avu.

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