Cruel Sid.

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Then sidneet and abhinavi went back to their real sweet home.
Sidashek hugged va and va kissed them on head.
Vaishneet also hugged and kissed va cheeks and she too did the same.

They all were happy.
Skip to noon.
They all had breakfast and abhinavi was in their room. Avu was going to her room when she saw va crying.
Avu went and called sid and sidneet saw va crying.
Sid:avu come lets check.
Avu :hmm ya.
And they both entered room. Seeing them va rubbed her tears and smiled.
Va:kya hua bacho?
Sid:now pls stop acting mom we saw u crying.
Va:waoh something went into my eyes.
Avu:ma why are u lying. Say what happened to you.
Va:arey kich nahi.
Sid:Ok then i will not eat or drink  anything till you say me the truth.
Va:sid stop all these.
Sid:ma if u love me say me.
Va atlast said
Va:beta woah today i was purchasing some vegetables for making special dishes when one guy came there and said a lot of bad things about your father.
Sid was really angry.
When avu noticed a big wound on va's hand.
Avu:What is this ma? How did this happened (pointing her wound)
Sid:mom say.
Va:beta woah when that guy said that i slapped him and he attacked me.
Sid:enough now its his end.
Va:beta rukh.
But before that he left and with in sometime he found that guy. (Guys he checked the cctv and found)
Sid adked his men to kidnap that guy.
And that guy was now infront of sid.
Guys now i am adding a little criminal scene as one of my reader asked so.
Sid took a iron rod and hit that guy.
Guy:hey why are u doing all this.
Sid:u hurt mom

And the he heated that rod and placed on that guys palm.
Sid:feeling good right.
That guy was crying.
Then sid took a knife and cutted that guys one finger.
Then after sometimes he killed that guy.
Guys i don't know do you loves thus chapter.
Anyways the coming chapters are gonna be interesting.
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