Chapter 7

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Hai everyone sorry for updating late. I was a little busy. And guys pls say did
u guys like my ff. And guys the video above is from my channel if u like pls subscribe my channel.
Ok so now lets continue..

It was late avu left from there. Sid was thinking about the incident happened in his life and was really angry on manjul. Avu was sobbing and was laying in her bed. She was blushing remembering about what sid told her.

Avu's pov:Btw he is not that bad as i thought. He is good.What are u saying avu.He is a mafia.How can a mafia be good.
Pov ends.
She slept after sometimes.
Skip to morning
Sid was in the living room
Avu came down. Avu wished sid but he didn't reply.
Avu went to kitchen and helped vaishu and va.
They all had there food and avu was now thinking how to escape again.(remember she wanted to show sid that she can escape from there)

Avu got an idea to escape. She went to her room and tied some shawls together and made it as a rope(hope u guys got what i meant)
She tied one end in one pillar of the balcony and then she started to get down using that rope.

On the other side sid was walking in the garden. He saw avu trying to escape and went near her.
Sid was standing down and our avu was slowly coming down.
But suddenly avu's hands got out of grip  and she was falling down. She closed her eyes in fear and she felt someone holding her in bridal style.She slowly opened her eyes and found sid was holding her.Sid was looking angry but they both had a eyelock. Sid took avu to his room and throw her on his bed.
Avu:Hey !!!Can't u place me gently.

Sid:(in a very angry cold voice ) Why? Why shall i place u gently u girl do u even know u must have broken ur leg or hand.

Avu:(scared in a childish voice)U.. u care for me.

Sid: No Never Ever.And now i am gonna give u punishment.
Avu:what pu..punishment.
Sid:Yes u are right (with a evil smile)😈😈.
Suddenly his ph rang.
Sid:hloo who is it.
It was from his office.
Sid:mm i am coming.
Sid dragged avu and made he sit in the car and he took a small spray from his pocket.
Avu:Hey where are we going? And why did u made me sit in ur car. I am going.
Sid :Hey Avneet this is a new perfume. Just smell it.
And sid sprayed it on avu.
Avu:Mm its...
She became unconscious and her head is on sids sholder.
Sids pov:She is unconscious as i sprayed chloroform on her. She look so cute and sweet.Hey sid bhagvaas band kar.i will take her to the room outside our godown.Its her punishment.
Pov ends
Sid drove to the godown.
To be continued...
Sorry for small chapter.
If u guys like this chapter pls vote.
By chinnu

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