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Skip to mansion....
It is next day and it was a pleasant day.

All were present at the dining room and were having breakfast.
Today abhinav was also there.
Vai:Waise siddu and avu your dance was awesome.
Abhi:Ha ha you both were like professional dancers.
And an unknown blush toom over sidneet.
Vai:abhi i feel like 2 peoples are blushing.
Sid :i am done and sid went to his room.
After having breakfast abhinav and aarav became very friendly and all praised thier bond.
Abhinav and aarav was playing in garden.
Meanwhile with sid.
Rits:Sidoo baby why are u not saying against that avneet?
Sid was silent.
Ritika:Sid don't forget that she tried to kill ur mom now she is here with another plan.
Rits started saying all these and now sids mind was filled with ao many questions and ritikas last sentence made sid shock.
Rits:and her son aarav. Its someone else son, she cheated you sid.
And sid was now so angry he didn't even think for a min and left the room and went to living room where everyone except abhinav and aarav was present.
Sid :Why did you came here Avneet Kaur? (Shouted in anger and frustration )
All were shocked and all stood up.
Sid:Why did you came back ha? To kill my mom again? Or to steal my happiness again or you have any other plan?
Avus eyes filled with tears and it started dropping down.
Abhi:What are u saying sid?
Va:Stop it sid.
Sid:Why would i stop and i don't even understand why are you all supporting this girl who tried to harm us.
Abhi:She didn't tried to harm us.
Sid:Wah bhai wah.Are u mad bhai why do u belive on this jerk girl.
Va:Shut up sid
Sid:No i want to know everything today.So say miss avneet why the hell you tried to kill my mom.You are a cheater. You never cared about my feelings. And why woukd you care for me.You even gave birth to a child whonis of another blood.You are just a slut.
And before he could finish it he recieved a tight slap on his face.
Va:Don't dare sid.
And sid looked va and his eyes were teary and red.
And vaishu shouted at sid.
Vai:How dare you sid.
Abhi:You don't even know the truth.
Sid:What truth.Whatecer i said is truth and sid received another slap by vaishu.
Vaishu:Shut up sid
Do you know what the truth is?.
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