Sid Saved

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Avu fainted and the fire was catching the room.
One of sids men called sid
P1:sir there is one problem.
Sid:what happened.
P1:sir u locked one girl in the room near our godown na.
Sid:mm yes.
P1:sir woah and he explained everything fastly.
Sid :o god ok i am coming.
And he got in his car and drove towards the godown with full speed.
He reached there within 5min as his office was near.
He reached and got out of the car and rushed towards the room were avu was locked.

Sid opened the door and found the room has caught fire. He entered in the room and was searching for avu. Soon he found her unconscious.
He ran towards her and removed the device and took her in bridal style and took her out of that room.
After reaching inside his godown he made avu lay in a old couch there.
He found her both hands were burnt here and there.

Sid tried to wake her but she didn't. Then sid placed his hands on her chest and pressed slowly.

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After doing it for sometime
avu coughed and slowly opened her eyes. Sid stopped pressing.He helped avu stand and as she was weak she was going to fall but sid holded her.Sid was so worried about avu.
Avu stood straight
Avu:Why did u came u must have let me die na.
Sid:I will never let u die (in a caring tone)
Avu:wha..t di..d u.. say..
Sid:ab ab nothing ya i think that was great.
And was going to beat him but as her hands were burnt she had pain.
Avu:ouch aaaahhhh.
Sid was worried now.
Sid :can't u take care of urself.
And he took her hands in his and he blowed slowly.
Avu was staring at him.
Then he asked avu to get in car.Then they both left.
On the way
Sids pov:what is happening to me. Why am i caring for i can't. I am a mafia.sid u must not have any feelings for this girl.
Pov ends
Avus pov
He cares for me? Hey no no avu he is a mafiahow can he care for me? But when ever i look into his eyes i feel that he is not like that he shows.
Pov ends
They both were thinking about each other and reached in hospital.
Avu:hey why did we came here?
Sid:ur hands are burnt thats why.
Avu:i.. am not coming. I have heard that they will give injection.

Sid:ur scared.(in a teasing way)
Avu:ab ab no no i love injection

Sid:ok then lets go.
To be continued..
Pls vote if u like.
By chinnu

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