chapter 3

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"whats Ve up too?" carci asks

"why dont you ask?"

"sean, darling, we all know better than that" cathrine says

"uh no we dont hey violet whatchya making-"

"go away or you lose your hand"

"ok then what are you making" carci asks stepping back

"a thing"

carci narrows her eyes at the back of violet. violet got an aditude when she was focused on making something when normally she was as sweet as sugure. cathrine snickered and seean rolled his eyes

"moron" he mutters

"did i or did i not say that i didnt now better?"

"you did. but doesnt change a thing, you know better now"

"I do not but sure" carci says

joan looked around the large room of electronics and gadgets and robots and a 3D printer.

"you have some very impressive devices by the way. im pretty sure ive never seen at least half of these before" joan said

"oh yeah. thats cause these guys make most of them." cathrine said.

"waht does this one do?"


cathrine walked over to her and then grinned.

"oh. i nearly forgot about this see carci was havin' some issues with reading minds. like she could do it and would do it all the time. not cause she wanted to but cause she had like minimal amounts of controle over it. so this little guy just sort of..." she flicked the switch

"you better turn that back off" carci says looking over seans shoulder at something

"turns that ability off. but more recetly we dont need it because she's carci and exelled pretty fast at controling it. she's still a little eh about not etting caught though"

"im working on it cat! its a lot harder than it sounds!" carci says

"i know just filling her in"

"she doesnt need to know that shit!" carci says

"you two... are very siblings" joan mutters

"i heard that. also cathrine come here" carci says

"mh? what are guys looking at"

"well if you came here you would know." carci says

"uh huh. what?" she asks

"its an old artical. at least a few hundred years old." carci says

"damn. you sure you got the right person then?"

"yep. 100%. besides she fits the desctiption. plus there was a video of her and the voice fits too. so id say im pretty sure" carci says

"huh. weird. how would she still be alive?" cathrine asks

"magic? imortal? good health care?" carci offers

"...good health care?" cathrine repeats luaghing quietly

"you never know"

"who are you talking about?" joan said joinging them by sean.

she scanned the artical.

"oh jacklyn white. Athena's kid. she's imortal is why that takes place years ago. she's been missing for roughly 12 ish years? pretty sure she has a couple at least, bounties from a variety of people for a variety of reasons plus im pretty sure if my history lesson was right, she was exiled from olympus."

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