chapter 4

3 3 11

joan read throuogh the artical

"damn, this is REALLY old. she was about 21 here" joan says

"aye?" carci asks

"yeah. when elijah first put the bounty on her head. she went to a friends shop and two guys who wanted to kill 'er came in. she got framed for her friends murder and hasnt ever showed up for her trial. most people presume she's dead" joan says

"how the actual fuck do you know this?"

"well i mean i get history lessons from my grandma who lived through litterally all of it. so yeah. also i know athena and posidan. so i mean getting inforamtion about jacklyn isnt that hard if you ask"

"Athena?" cathrine questions

"posidan?" carci raises a brow

"yeah? the gods??? what... oh. sheltered. understood. well the gods exist"

"yuh huh. uh ok then"

"what do you know about her?" sean asks

"well i mean she first made a major appearnce.... in... gods uhm... 5007 was when she was last heard from... malici dissappeared off the grid 100 years earlier... in 4000 she had a bounty on her head... i guess in june of 4000... i think???" joan recounts.

"nerd" carci said smirking.

"listen here you little shit. at least im smart" joan says

"tk rude" carci said with fake hurt.

joan rolled her eyes. cathrine smirked.

"carci come here" violet says

"ok" carci leaned over the back of violets chair over her shoulder


"gimme your wrist" she says

carci raised a brow but stuck her wrist out fir her. violet slipped a bracette onto her wrist

"...epic a... bracelette??" carci asks

"nope. its better. if i go..."violet slid the bead to one side

"and?" violet says

"what am i looking for"

"be quiet" violet says

"i- ok" carci said

carci went silent. the room was quiet except carci and joan whispering to eachother about something.

"you hear it?"

"no? i dont hear anything. at all. like nothing." she says

"perfect. no whispering or anything?"

"well theres them in the corner but theyre talking to eachother" carci says

"then it worked." violet says

"i dont-"

"it blocks mind reading for you. so you cant read anyones mind and if it goes like this" she slides the bead to the other side

carci grimaced, there was a brief loud ringing in her ears before it was gone. the room was loud with whsipers of people thoughts.

"fucking hell" she says

"ok. well its worked. on that front at least." violet turned it down.

"so it fuckin' with my mind reading. nice" carci says

"yeah. it can inhance or block your mind reading. it should also help with reading minds without getting caught. well at the very least itll take longer. you still need to improve and it should always be at your skill level. so you cant go over it you know?" violet says

"OH COOL!" carci says grinning

"yeah, dont over use it" she mutters.

"cathrine loook" she says jumping on her sister.

"what?" cathrine asks catching her like a piggy back ride.

"look" carci says showing off the braclette

"cool?? i think?"

"yeah. violet made me and it can inhance and block my mind reading" she says

"OH THAT IS COOL" cathrine says

cathrine didnt let carci down and carci didnt plan on getting down so carci got a piggy back ride to the training room while joan just tagged along a little confused and mildly amused.

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