Chapter 21

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“wake. up. your sister’s already up”

“thats great for her” CArci says

“Carci wake up or im eating all the strawberries before you” catherine says

“mmmh” carci groaned and sat up. 

“i hate you all” carci says

“wow you look awful” catherine comments

“no fucking shit sherlock! i just woke you psychopath” carci says

“mh, good to you too” catherine says

“yeah yeah” she says yawning

“good morning” 

Carci got dressed in the bathroom. she ran a hand through the tangled rats nest that was her hair then groaned

“fuck i forgot it was my left” 

“oh yeah, forgot about that” catherine says

“same” carci says she put her hair in a ponytail as she came out

they started to leave to get breakfast when she noticed someone was missing

“hey wait, where's mallory?” 

“i dunno” 


they reach the “food hall” as Tarri decided to start calling it. it really wasn't a hall

“JOAN!” carci called when she saw the red head

joan look at her and was relieved, she waved them over.

“see yall later” catherine said to their cabin as they walked over to joan

the twins joined joan

“hey Cyprian” carci said smiling

“never use my last name without good reason” Joan said sighing

“i will address you however the hell i please”  carci says

“uh huh” joan says

“so we have... well… news? i guess?” carci says

“oh?” joan says fully facing the twins now

“oh yeah theres a haunted cabin” carci says

“you sound far to happy about that” joan says

“well duh, cause its cool” Catherine says

“Uh no, I doubt it. I take it, that's why your hand is bandaged?” Joan says

“yeah the floor broke and i caught myself” carci says

“right ok” joan says

“this cabin has some weird shit goin on” 

“checks out if its haunted” joan says

“ok so basically-”

“who are you” a girl asked 

“uh im catherine” catherine says

“ok catherine” the girl said in a condescending tone

“you interrupted our conversation”

“ok becky im sorry, but uh that was carci” 

“what i was saying hi to my friend! is that suddenly illegal?” carci asks throwing up her arms

“no” joan says flatly

“it’s illegal to kidnap people though” catherine says

“aw that's too bad. joan we’re kidnapping you” carci says

“oh thank Aphrodite” joan says 

joan followed them behind a tree

“ok whats up?”

“ok well…” the twins filled joan in on the events of the night prior

carci brought up the journal she found but all three of them brushed over it. 

“that mallory girl, she seems… very strange”

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