the rest of the month went by surprisingly quickly. Karina made a few more attempts to bug the twins. carci managed to get herself into more trouble and in the offace she had met a little girl with two different colored eyes.“when exactly does this summer camp start?” carci asks stretching
“like… wednesday” joan says
“oh epic so we have some time before we have to drag our asses onto a bus and sit in a giant moving metal box of kids we dont know for hours.” carci says
“probably full of packing” catherine notes
“only is you make it” joan says
“thats bull shit and you know it” carci says
“oh yeah aabsoloutly” joan agrees
“well at the very least we can do last minute packing” catherine says
“that goes without says” carci said
carci floped back over the arm of a couch and catherine deflated next to her.
“its to fuckin’ hot” joan says
“yeah well thats Ainof Aleek for ya” carci says
“yeah well im from…” joan thought for a moment
“fuck where am i…” joan muttered
“well im from not here where it snows” joan says
“did you just forget where you were from?” catherine asks
“im from not here” carci repeated chuckleing
“wen kroy, im from wen kroy where it snows and isnt a mother fuckin’ heater! pls it is kinda the main hub for magic and theres some sort of magic that stops it from becoming a smelter” joan says
“sounds like frozen hell to me”
“you just hate the cold” catherine says
they sat there in silence. suddenly sean’s words came back to carci
“she’s been missing for so long that she’s just been presumed dead. we are not finding her for a while, in fact i'm almost certain you aren't going to ever find her” he had said
she frowned and bit her cheek. minerva was determined to get her hands on jacklyn sso she must have had some idea of where she was. Hell Minerba knew more about everthing that was going on than what she or catherine did. then again so did bill and for some reason bill wouldnt tell the twins anything. her frown deepened. what was jacklyn wanted for? what had gotten her exiled? she looked at joan who was looking at her.
“what?” carci asks
“what are you thinking about” joan asks
“stuff” carci says
“minerva. jacklyn.” catherine said
“spar?” carci asks
Adventurecarci has hopes for this summer. maybe their a bit to high. she gets sent to the retched place she dreads, a summer camp.she has a long list of reasons to not like summer camps. this is a seeemingly normal camp but what sort of suprise does this cam...