chapter 7

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Later after school carci sat on the island counter crunching on an apple. Catherine stood across from her leaning against the sink while Joan had her head in the fridge.

“I wonder if Sean's found anything else on jacklyn.” carci says

“well i mean, he’s sean” catherine says

“yeah and jacklyn’s well, jacklyn. i highly doubt he’s going to find anything” joan says

“oh? what makes you say that?” carci asks

“well, for starters, Jacklyn's smart. Secondly, being on the run is her whole thing. She's the goddess of being on the run so naturally she’s hard to find. the only person who knows where she is is a demon who is the only person who knows where she’s at and is often with her” joan says closing the fridge

“oh? Who is this demon?”

“well, seeing as he’s probably currently with vincent you aren't likely to find him either.'' Joan says, leaning against the fridge.

“Who's vincent?” catherine aasks

“seriously?” joan asks raising a brow

the twins glanced at each other then looked ta joan again

“I would have thought that Bill od all people would have told you who he was. Well, Vincent is a devil. He's the leader of the most notorious gang in wen kroy. almost every agency everywhere keeps tabs on him.”

“What exactly makes him so notorious?” 

“well, he’s known for making dangerous deals with anyone. the demon I mentioned is an unfortunate example of that.” joan bit her cheek

carci looked down at her apple. thought rolled around in her head mostly questions about jacklyn. catherine noticed and tilted her head a little.

“carci?” she said

“hm?” carci looked at her.

catherine had a look of concern on her face

“you ok?”

“yeah im fine i was just thinking”

“thats dangerous” catherine jokes

“rude” carci says

“you know just as well as i do how wrapped in your own thoughts you can get.” catherine says

“im fine catherine” carci says

joan looked between the two girls. from what her mom had told her the twins had only knew about each other's existence last summer and yet they knew each other like they knew themselves. then again up until that point they had no family. 

“what if i dyed by hair” catherine says

“what?”carci says an openly judgemtal look on her face

“wow ok. you dont have to say it like that” catherine says

joan looked just as judgy

“ok neither of you are particularly nice about this” catherine says

“nothing personal, just i cant see you with dyed hair” Carci says

“that sounds personal” catherine comments

“jeez ok fine dont listen to my opinion that you asked for” cari says sticking her tounge out 

“fair, i was asking for it”

“i can’t see you with dyed hair if im honest” Joan says

“ok” catherine says

“what color were you thinking of exactly?” joan asks

“i dunno perple maybe?” it was posed as a question

carci tilted her head at her with a raised brow. catherine didnt comment on it since she did the exact same thing when trying to visualize something.

“nah yeah see it” carci says finaly

“no yeah thats something i see carci doing” joan says

“we are litterally the same person! we have the exact same face” catherine says a little offended

“never said it was about your face” joan says leaning on the island by carci

“ok then what is it?” catherine says

“yeah i’m interested now”

“you really wanna dye your hair huh?” joan asks

“no its just some how people get us mixed up and ive known most of them since we could walk!” catherine says

“really? well then let me clear the air for you then” joan says exasperated

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