chapter 25

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“she may have aged as a ghost?” joan offered

“you age when you’re dead?” catherine asks

“i dunno im not dead” joan says

“you would think not huh?” carci says

“yeah even i don't know” joan says

the ghost turns and walks away. the girls stared at the spot where the ghost had been a second ago, baffled and confused. 

“so just out of curiosity was that like… real?” catherine asks

“we have have eaten something cycadelic?” carci says

“that sounds… not that unreasonable” joan says

“the fact that thats coming from you is concerning” carci says

the rest of the day was uneventful. The rest of the week, actually, was uneventful. They did the usual summer camp activities like races, team games and learning how to pitch a tent. carci and catherine talked by a tree where joan sat quietly reading

“i wanna steal something from the kitchen” carci says

“why?” catherine asks

“i'm hungry” carci said

“carci no.” joan says

joan hadn’t looked up from the book, infact carci was pretty sure she started to focus more on the book and zone out the rest of the world. 

“you know you are super pale” catherine points out

“i am very aware of how pale i am thank you” joan says

“well you'll stay that way if you keep hiding in the shade” 

“cat i don't tan i burn so if i stay in the sun for too long im end up a fucking lobster” joan says

“you know… i think imma do it” carci says

“i mean sure, go for it if you’re really that hunery” catherine says

“CARCI NO! and catherine do not encourage her!?” joan said shutting her book

“why dont you just ask for a snack?”she asks

“wheres the fun in that?” carci asks

“you are begging to be sent home” joan comments tiredly

“I DONT LIKE SUMMER CAMPS! god they are way overrated! like seriously who WANTS to go to some random place and spend a week or longer in a cabin with other kids that you dont know and you have to pretend to actually want to get to know them and then never fucking see them the fuck again?” carci asks

“social butterflies” catherine says doing a rainbow gesture with her hands

“right well i'm stealing something from the kitchen” carci says already walking away

“how good is she at talking her way out of shit?” joan asks

“uh good enough to prefer brute force but not bad” catherine answers

“we should go with mh?” joan asks

“oh yeah, or at least wait outside the kitchen for her” catherine says

carci went inside the main building to find it empty. she slipped into the kitchen to find that it was also empty. there wasn't actually all that much around. Metal counters lined the room and an island that came off the left side of the counters. She walked around to look for something to eat. The sink was filled with dirty rust colored water and dieing bubbles that stuck to the sides of the sink, which was utterly disgusting. The counters had pots, pans, plates and bowls stacked on them in rather neat piles. She walked to the pantry which to her surprise was a walk in pantry. 

there really isn't much that she could just grab and go. most of it had to be prepared in some way. she was about to leave when she heard voices outside the door. she shut the door of the pantry leaving just a small crack. then she heard the door open and the voices actually sounded like they were saying words

“this isnt working”

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